Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Custom Barbie Gallery

arncapsular @ 2006-07-04T23: 45:00

rumor alien = break the allocation of machinery, primary

as the primary or that machine, or so also 'the infinite structure' that would nauseate
gallop so many grayish glow and consensus of objectification, temporary or beyond of this,
assigning fixed roles to moment dynamic structures, rather, transforming energetic outpourings
various secondary structures, the beast is hungry!, such stock is needed to shed the paramountcy
so good, all functional acts ...

the Operationalism tends to break with a stench that anomalous, a rumor Particular .. Living in a 'something weird going on here ...' and denote the visceral all-present, fences, thought, some smoke invade another's presence and starts playing behind everyone else - reflectors, motion, magnetism, presence-animal and some nectar soaked in the pale reflection , looking for that Something More,

the room was flooded viscous greyish resulted in yellow and green opaque naranaja try to attend to the rhythm of things, but considering itself as its own pace;

and define such Operationalism ..

the assignment is provided from a central core, from a macro perspective is clear: certain invisible lines varied entreconectan golden areas 'appearance' have contacted every form, color, type - manifest, while in a more hidden or reticulo more penetrating, resembling the code in the first initial of the Mother (machine-de-allocated) and its dome-parent. (To consider)

such an overall architecture so apparently segmented dome but at the same linked by a 'primary'



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