Title: Rescue
Giu-chan Summary: The only person that supports Akanishi Jin is someone who does not know him personally, or that believe.
Pairing: Jin x Kame
Warning: Safe, au, fluffy, "humor?
Notes: to slayer_kur with all my good intentions; so all yours xD
Jin Jin
opened the apartment door so hard that she almost hit the wall, but had the reflexes prepared to take her hand before it hit, bounced off and over to give him in the face. It would have been the height of that fucking day in his whore agency, with their fucking peers. Not only would be the most hated but the ugliest in the mark that would have left the door in his face.
took down the shoulder of the shoulder and angrily threw it as far as possible from view and so did the jacket. Then entered the room dodging the piles of clothes I had on the floor and fell face down on the bed bouncing on the soft mattress. He spent some time without moving, until he felt he needed air to breathe, so he turned his head and his eyes fell upon a picture that was on the nightstand beside the lamp. There were several people in it, including his best friend who also was the one who prevented things get to that point where they were now. But Pi had decided to take a vacation in Short and walked out the door all the falsehood that the other students hid behind smiles came to light because from that day, none had ; to run the floor and when he did was to remonstrate with something. Even had one that was blamed for the delivery of donuts would have been delayed. Of course, as if he had nothing else to do than devote to undermining the dealers ... that He also wanted to have breakfast on time, to see what everyone had thought. But nothing, soon would blame him for when it was too hot or too cold. What about him as what he could do? Swallow and swallow until you balls really swell and burst, and then all were to find out who was Akanishi Jin, then yes they could charge him with anything they wanted because they would over which we n.
was so angry at the world not realized that his stomach began to ask to be treated, but still got out of bed with a strange movements, took off his jeans and shirt and trousers was gray paint-stained sweatpants to go to the kitchen and prepare something by sheer inertia, because I did not want to eat but dinner was over some time.
When he sat on the couch which a truck driver, with legs apart and a sandwich in one hand, while the other fumbled the control of the TV in the seat. Did not appear, perhaps he was buried in that pile of magazines that had piled on the table. Yes, it was a possibility, and not taking the trouble to sit up to look, but with the same bare feet began to set aside (who says to throw away says there that fall) magazines, but not control was there.
Damn, someone really hated him a lot. But then he noticed something digging into your ass and put his hand to take the blessed remote. Programming Japan night was shit, he expected the U.S. would be better. At least that was the time I was going to be there. Was the time it took to eat his dinner changing channels without seeing anything but absurd ads apparatus and seers of those who read the future will live.
with both hands, brown hair gathered into a ponytail and when he wanted to take the scrunchie on her wrist with his teeth that was thrown and fell to the ground, which had no choice but to bend down and pick it up himself and he did not think the scrunchie came only until hand. More than anything because I had already tried three times without success.
He picked it up but his eyes remained fixed in a magazine that had previously 'slipped' off the table. Not leave any solid model, nor was it a photo. It was a simple ad and at first thought it would be of such contacts through which people desperately looking for other people desperate to despair together, but no.
There was more than the name of something that sounded like a cult, a legend in letters just below and a smaller number.
grabbed the magazine as it was bent reading again and again what he had caught his attention: 'Volunteers willing to listen to others'. Really? was asked Jin. Would you be willing to listen, whatever it was what he had to say? Was tempted to pick up the phone and dial the number but he did and ended up releasing the magazine with a chuckle and a snort.
Jin took half an hour to pick up the phone and dial. Out of curiosity more than anything, although it was he was tired of all the world and I wanted to hear the voice of someone who had no tone of reproach. She did not care if what the other line trying to show the truth of God or if he tried to convince him to join an NGO. Just a friendly voice is all I wanted. Two tones sounded. Three tones.
"Go fuck is this," muttered angrily staring at the handset, as if it had any fault.
- Hello?
Jin returned to put the device in the ear with a little afraid, would you have heard?
- Hello? Is there anybody there? said again an unfamiliar voice.
"That ... yes, somebody," he said finally. Okay now what?
"Good evening. You say ...
"I say, yes ... this is some kind of cult? Because if it is going to put ...
- Sect? No, no, "replied the voice and Jin thought that if it were not it would say so openly. - We are a group of volunteers who work for people to tell us your concerns and can let off steam safely.
"Yes, I had read here. "I can tell you of anything? "The voice said yes, if it was what worried him" But you will not have a recorder there, or I'll be located with a GPS right?
From the other side, the voice laughed softly but clearly amused at the idea. Jin was no grace for your questions and concerns were entirely logical and said to himself that this was not a good idea.
- Wait do not hang "asked the voice leaving to laugh to have heard - worry, this is totally anonymous and confidential. Neither you tell me your name and I tell you mine or anything that can relate. Want to tell you what I have in hand right now?
"That sounds like something dirty.
Again the soft laughter.
- now I have the paper wrapped around my dinner, do not worry, no one is recording anything.
- Dinner Now? So late?
- When I have time. Well you gonna tell me what's wrong?
Jin thought for a few seconds:
"People hate me. My job sucks.
- Why do you think you hate?
I do not believe, I know. I suppose the easy answer is because of envy.
- So it's not your fault, a problem of others. And tell me, if you do not like your job why do not you leave and find another?
"Because I'm good at what I do.
- I understand ...
Jin did not wait for the other guy, because the voice was a boy, told her that if she wanted to continue because he began to speak very superficially what occurred. Not provide details, even to what is spent because the other had told him and said nothing with what they could relate, but said he had long felt that their company does not treated him well, since he reported a permanent move to another country other did not seem happy with their lot and is dedicated to giving back and let the gossip if this or the other against it. Above, said his best friend had gone on vacation a few days and no one hid the least. In summary he felt alone and teníaa no one to talk because everyone thought it was a bad person and could not go.
-Man, before almost threw the sandwich out the window of the rage that gives me everything. I tell you the guilt I had a poor product.
- Well, I'm sorry you have to go through this. It is difficult to get situations where you feel isolated and think I do not have anyone.
"Like I said it's not my thing. No one has qualms about soltármelo every now and then, that when I speak, of course. What do I do, whatever your name? I fulfill orders from above.
- Man ... our organization has specialists really are not all illiterate in matters of psychology as I do that we just give conversation. If you think you need I can get you ...
-Jin-No-cut need not keepers, I just want someone to talk because if I continue with my mouth closed all day can give me something you know?
"Okay, no keepers," said the boy then more relaxed - Would you tell me you've filed masochistic at the moment?
"Mmm I think I can sleep peacefully tonight. Like someone hit him tomorrow but for now I'm fine.
- Glad to hear it. Anyway, you can call if you need anything.
"If I wanted to call another time you could ask?
response obtained silence and voice as he spoke haltingly:
- do not have customers, so to speak. I would address that was free.
-Ahm, then go. "Jin was silent also looking at the ceiling of his room, that while he had walked up there and was now lying. - What if it's an urgency to these life or death, either?
The boy returned to hear him laugh and Jin smiled.
"In that case, and we're talking about something very important I suppose you could ask for ... the volunteer number three.
"Number three, understood. Follow sonándome a cult, I must say. Well, thank you and stuff.
"Nothing and everything. I hope you do not have to call back, it would be a good sign.
"Good evening. Jin
wireless hung and left on the table, right next to the photo. Without getting up and doing the moves right and necessary drew the bedspread and put it on top. He was slightly better than a while before and did not take long to fall asleep to the voice of the anonymous caller in the head.
After two hours sitting in his swivel chair and Kame did not feel his legs, and bet anything that was red from rubbing your ear with the headset. Was in the hallway next to the window taking a little air because it was time for their break but not enjoyed even ten minutes because someone began to call loudly from inside the room.
- Kamenashi-san! We have an emergency rapid
Kame turned on his heels and stared with eyes wide open to coming to him, was one of his companions and the haste with which he had raised had the earphones and the cable hanging. When he arrived at its height took him by the arms and shook him very nervous.
-Kamenashi-san, is someone who wants to talk to you, is an emergency
- What do you mean me? I have not told anyone my name
I do not know, but it is hysterical and threatening to kill herself if not talking to you!
redhead's face was like that of those cartoons because he was sure that if I opened a little mouth, chin reach the ground. He went so fast in the office where I worked who was about to slip and the other does not take the eyes off. He put in place with their equipment and told the other that is what happened.
- Hello? Listen you do nothing you know? Drop anything you wear in the hands
"I want you put the number three," the hysterical
- I! What do you ...? "Kame stopped talking when he realized that the other had said 'number three 'and was surprised because nobody knew the number of volunteers. No, wait. That guy from last night had asked him something to contact him. Not even remember him and had been for two nights and had received many calls since then. "Fuck you, buddy. You know the mess I've ridden?
then turned to the other workers who looked scared, and some even went to the door in case he legs that go out there and apologized to them all with a gesture and said it was all in your hands now. He also realized that the other had stopped laughing from the other side of the line.
- What do you want? Asked some sharp
- talk to you. Sorry, it was just a joke.
"We're not the joke, we take this seriously. There are people who really need this service.
- remind me of one of My agency is always thinking of the common good.
Kame sighed and wiped his forehead pushing her hair from her eyes.
- How you doing? She asked, as he imagined that the other would talk about his work which he loathed. Still did not understand why this guy was still working on what I want to work if you do not stand anybody and nobody hated him. He had said he was good at what he did but for the opinion was just the easiest way I could choose. The easiest but also the hardest because it is, must be something that does not involved much effort but it also had to endure the abuse of others .
- No news. Do you think it's my fault?
- What do you mean? Kame asked curiously
- Well, if I'm really as bad as they say and I do not realize .
"If it were the case, I think the correct thing to do so others will know of good ways that you could change. Did they say anything?
- I just criticize. What do I do, I take that as if I may say of good manners or I going to them?
-Mmmm-Kame thought carefully because although it seemed an easy job to advise people on it had to weigh load if any of their advice was not adequate. "Try to do a little of both. If you want to change something because it starts with the simplest things and see what happens, but you're not above them, to see how they react. What do you think?
- could try. You really do not you shrink?
"I think you do not like being called that, you know?
- I'll take that as a no, "replied the other following his own making Kame smile. It was one of the few 'clients' that made him smile once in a while because of normal calls were from people attending was sad and he who had to make it animated. But this guy actually seemed to have no problem as others, just felt alone, he said, but he soon understood it must be frustrating having to call a stranger a few minutes to talk about anything normally.
Kame knew well the need to engage in personal conversation with someone who does not know anything. At the end of your day in the modeling agency, was so exhausted from all over the world in all aspects that take your volunteer hours as a kind of liberation. Nobody knew there was someone anonymous and enjoyed hearing stories of ordinary people, although sometimes they were about to fill your patience, but give little tips and know that people felt better after been talking a while with him was comforting. Because during those hours was no longer an image, that was what worked, to be quite the opposite. Anonymity gave people the opportunity to express themselves more naturally and without any fear, because they had no contact. Some people might think that this was a cold shoulder, but his opinion was the most sincere.
When he looked at the clock when his wrist was surprised to see that he had spent his time off and took more than half of his turn talking to the same guy from the various subjects, but had returned to start with their concerns.
- I'm alone How do I do when I am abroad? What if I get well? I have to go back and stand above the taunts of others because I did not succeed.
- What do you get?
- Succeed; not imagine the opportunity that I have.
"Make sure not to waste time. "There was a strange silence and Kame were afraid to ask - Or I just worry that others laugh at your failure?
- Well, I'd be lying if I said I do not mind that. I show that I can get there I've got here by myself.
"Everything you want is achieved with great effort and perseverance. Do not miss the opportunity you have given with regard to another matter ... if after trying what we talked about your classmates are the same, I hope they get their reviews where they fit when you get your é success.
heard as the other reíay him right before leaving again. How much time had been talking about? And why so close sentíaa that guy? She shook her head to remove those thoughts from your head because it was almost time to go home and really relax. This time he said nothing about it expected to call again, that did not mean that the poor guy wanted to remain an unfortunate, but it could be a little happier and keep calling that he would ensure him to take her phone. Maybe he had to invent something like it was a terrorist who threatened to blow up the building but spoke with him, but dismissed the idea because in that case would come not only shrinks but policíay entrap the poor guy in an asylum. And he did not want that to happen.
- You still there?
"Yes, sorry.
- That nothing, I'm hanging up now. To another.
"Good night and good luck. Kame
listened as the phone beeps emitted but not yet opened the door to any other line, but stared at the notebook that was above the table at which he spoke had written 'baka' and had scribbled smiley faces decorating the floor. When he realized he was grinning like an idiot closed the book and got up to go home.
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