Pursuit (Aggressive Dogs)
Genji and Izaki were detached when they heard a knock at the door. Genji's first thought was whether anyone would have seen it, but sounded more like someone had kicked it from within. Still in shock looked at uno al otro y como si de pronto se hubieran quemado se apartaron rápidamente, Izaki pasándose la mano por el pelo, Genji metiendo las manos en los bolsillos, los dos mirándose de reojo. El silencio se hizo más largo y más incómodo pero Genji sabía que cualquier cosa que se le ocurriera decir iba a estropear más el momento. De pronto a Izaki le dio por reírse de una forma muy rara, como cogiendo mucho aire. Y le contagió sin querer, de modo que acabaron los dos riéndose sin saber de qué.
- Why are you laughing?
Izaki shrugged, unable to contain giggle.
"It was ...
" Yeah ... "said Izaki looking at infinity.
"You ...
-Yo, yeah ... "he repeated, scratching his head.
- Why do you say yes all the time?
I do not know, but stop asking me questions.
consoled him see that his friend was as nervous as him. With nothing to say took a quick look at the ground, not thing that had changed somewhat since the last time I looked, and found the cigar he had picked from his pocket and that given the choice to avoid it from falling or cigarette Izaki opted to save the first.
- Can I have another?
- Another what? "The blond was alarmed. Genji was a couple of taps on the lips with your fingers but had to realize that what I wanted was another cigarette when Izaki stared at him.
"Oh, that. Yes, of course, take-took their average packet vacíoy put one in your hand immediately took fire waiting lips. Espesito Izaki was a little, because it also cost him catch it (Ah! Course) and with a trembling hand could not quite ignite the lighter. Genji understood it perfectly, I did not know was why he seemed so calm beside his friend, as it was scared shitless. He, Genji, afraid. For some reason wanted to convey peace and grabbed with both hands which was in front of your nose and not knowing exactly how the two managed to light the cigarette.
"Thanks," taking a step back to avoid exposure to smoke in his face.
Again silence. Perhaps it would be best to go home, anyway it was too late. Wanting to answer himself, nodded slightly and took a few steps back but before turning around completely Izaki called him, although he knew that was going to stay with the desire of the other to say more because I had to step back a puddle wetting pants low.
"I'm home and change, good and stay there, I mean.
Genji nodded again and took leave of him giving a squeeze shoulder and said nothing as he always did.
maso least fifteen minutes ago Genji's hands were quite busy, but now they had ceased to be useful and did not know Dó ; nde put them. He had walked a while with them cross over the head but when he got tired arms again and put them down in their pockets to give another loud snort.
For days, or weeks, and did not even know, who had left to wonder what was wrong, because somehow I knew, just had not been able to recognize. Perhaps because he had always been afraid that what they call feelings because his father had made up his mind that any type of feeling had no place at work. But he had taken a bit to realize that without his friends was a nobody, no matter at what they do well in the near future because I could not do without them at his side; were much than just people who were around him as his father and his alleged partners. They were an important part of your life and you may not say never, but always hoped have made clear since the day I accepted him as a leader and automatically as a friend. A Genji never gave him good to have friends because Ely was always before anyone else. Now it was them and him.
The friendship had been one of his discoveries. The other was already more complex, because if it had cost him to admit that without this bunch of monkeys surely it would soon shoot himself, accept that Izaki was in a much higher level on its own scale of important people was the ultimate.
Recently, it was not worth the time it was asked so, his mind had been occupied in the same, in the same person, he, Izaki. His right hand from day one, the most sensible, the most difficult to understand, that always seemed to keep things clear, that no doubt never tell what he thought, which acudíaa him before he called him, always worried that too, which did not take his eyes off me, you do not watch anything silly larger than that é he himself was once in a while.
Perhaps everything would have been easier if I could correspond to Ruka, everyone always told him how lucky I was to take her crazy, but looks seductive and determined that he spent the girl had nothing to do with the way Izaki had been looking all night. Just before to kiss, Izaki looked at him as he had just discovered the meaning of the word doubt. The same was always determined and managed to do anything to tuck it between the eyes was hesitating, and she liked him. That was much better than ten rukas together, it was clear that the water and say that she had not imagined would never lie to himself.
came home and looked before entering the plate with the family name and was thinking that yes, Genji Takiya, Suzuran King, son of clan yakuza boss Ryusekai was in love, with his best friend, touch your eggs ...
When he entered he was surprised the voice of his father, is that he never slept?
"You're too late now.
- What do you care?
"I have something that interests you.
"I do not think," Genji was available a ir a su habitación pero su padre volvió a detenerle
-Apuesto a que sí.
Y le extendió un sobre en el que estaba escrito su nombre. Cuando lo tuvo entre las manos le dio la vuelta y leyó el nombre del remitente, Katagiri Ken. La expresión de sorpresa que se dibujó en su cara hizo sonreír a Hideo.
-¿Ves como yo tenía razón?
Había tanta gente en la estación que si Tamao los seguía con la mirada se mareaba. Iban como locos de un lado a otro arrastrando sus maletas mientras la voz de megafonía anunciaba las salidas inmediatas y les metía prisa para que subieran a sus respectivos trenes. Él estaba sentado en uno de los incómodos banquitos de hierro con las dos bolsas de deporte de Tokio a sus pies. Éste se abría paso entre la multitud para llegar hasta él y le enseñó el móvil while walking, but Tamao did not know what he meant by that.
-Tokaji again.
Tamao opened his mouth as a sign that and understand it. In his hand he carried a train ticket but decided to stop thinking in Tokyo and went back to pay attention all the people who had decided to travel the same day. He sat next to you saying that there was still a little while so I had to jump on the bandwagon.
- You've already fired everyone?
-Sí, varias veces además –dijo sonriendo recordándole la cantidad de veces que se había despedido de todos la noche anterior como si no fuese a volver en un año por lo menos…
-Y de tu amiga… ¿también te has despedido de ella?
Por alguna razón que se le escapaba, Tamao hubiese preferido que Tokio se hubiera quedado pensando en quién podría ser esa amiga, o que dijera algo como ‘no sé de who's talking 'or' what do you mean friend, oh great Tamao, if you are my only best friend ... you and nobody else. " But Tokyo immediately knew who he meant.
"Not really. Why?
Tamao shrugged as if he did not care the least, her face turned toward the hall murmured 'I that yesterday you would have talked about some things, like you were so ... you get my drift 'accompanying the words with circular movements of the hands.
"Make no mistake," he said laughing Tokyo
"If I'm not confused, you just say what I saw yesterday.
"I ... well, for your information, nor is my friend or anything like that.
- No?
"No, I do not care. So ligártela you can try if you like, but beware that it is a minor.
Ligársela "? Does he? He had not even thought of that possibility but did not go unnoticed by the soft tone of resignation from his friend while thoroughly analyzing your ticket.
- Is not anyone interested? Tokyo head-up surprise at the question and Tamao shrugged again, never talk about those things.
"You either.
Mira, ahí tenía razón; y la verdad no sabía por qué nunca habían hablado de esas cosas siendo tan amigos…a él no le importaba si Tokio prefería hablar de chicos en vez de chicas, lo único malo era que no podría aconsejarle tan bien…o quizá sí, nunca lo había intentado. A él no le gustaba fardar de sus conquistas, porque sólo se dedicaba a meter la mano debajo de alguna falda o blusa y además hacía tiempo que no I did, with that of being always with her friends ...
"Okay, let's start then. Start talking.
- What to talk about what?
-De whoever is the object of your desire "was not aware of the flush that rose on the cheeks of Tokyo because he had not have been stressed by tapping with elbow at side will-come, tell Tamao.
"Be quiet," complained the high trying to dodge.
"No, cuéntamelooo.
"There's nothing to tell.
Tamao squinted suspiciously and before I could say anything, said Tokyo
"But quiet, when a girl like me will be the first to know.
"I hope so," replied sharply, until he realized the error. When you like a girl ... cheater.
They called train passengers had to get his friend who stood up for a jump to hear his fate and the platform it had to go. Size also rose, but more slowly and less enthusiastically followed him to the queue of people waiting to pass the ticket through the machine. Before Tokyo to get into the loads of people told him that he could not tell at night.
"Hey, be careful. And do not be fooled by anyone, that you are very naive and think you can have your hair. And study hard, because if you go above that you do not take, I will bring you back, you notice.
waited on one side while Tokyo passing across the tape with a bag slung over his shoulder and the other caught in the hand and a smile on his face. They parted again.
Tamao -Oi. Take care you too because you have become something that you did not want
Tamao looked blankly ' what do you say? '
-A responsible adult who cares for others.
Tamao took out the middle finger in an obscene gesture that immediately changed the palm of your hand open. He turned his head to the right when a little girl gasped her hands to her mouth to see him doing that. Then looked back at the girl's mother looked at him with disapproval. Tokyo was still smiling, is well to smile right? thought. And finally he turned and disappeared from sight. I've always worried about you, bud . Luckily it did not say it aloud or that woman would have kicked out of there.
·················· ························· ······················
When you are in a desperate situation must take desperate measures. And what of Izaki was a truly desperate situation. Just why had got to sneak into her sister's room, building it was in the shower and had been a bit through his stuff looking for something that helps. After a few moments lifting books and documents quickly and glancing toward the door he found something. He made his way back to his room with the same stealth than before. Once there, safe from prying eyes and took a quick look at the cover of the magazine in his hands so they can feel a little ridiculous if you could. Then he took some of their reserve to begin the investigation.
But I could not do it there or now because his father had asked him again, he took the baton as he was going to do some errands, so hoping his sister did not realize what had borrowed, got the two magazines in his jacket and went to the store.
He concluded that if the cover looked again going to laugh or mourn so he began to turn the pages by looking carefully at the pictures, rather, the guys that came in the photos. Pertenecíaa most bands that teenage girls went crazy and not so young, but he seemed ordinary guys. Just someone who another was a bit effeminate but no one said anything with their smiles laminated or their naked bodies. None made him feel warm below the stomach, nor felt like kissing him as she had kissed him. Lower lip pinched remembering, unable to suppress a nervous smile. He realized there was no way he was attracted by one of those guys, with what became his first conclusion was not gay.
Knowing (maso least) one thing, he played out if still a normal guy like anyone was still pulled into the porn magazine and where to look you that drew him a little more. Although it took more interest recently because he did not know if this magazine was longer than the cough and knew it by heart or because I once again came to Genji mind and his hands and his tongue dancing on his own and if not seen before and was going to give a tachycardia.
-Woow the tits that go there.
Izaki was about to fall off the chair when he heard that voice while a giant hand pointing to one of the girls naked.
-kill almost scare me, you bastard. Do not do that again.
Makis toothy smile, or what was in them and with their arms leaning on the counter leaned over him to keep looking.
- Do not have more of those around here?
"This is not a sex shop, pig," he said making a roll with the magazine and hit on the head with it.
- invite me to anything? Izaki-face due to respond on its own-Va, Izaki ...
- What do you think what this is, open bar?
"That now I have no money, Makis renegón like a child.
"Well when you get back, you snatched my hands a Pringles tube. - To free you will eat your house.
"Okay, but I tell everyone how bad you treated me as a customer
- Yes? Too late.
Makis left but not before trying to take the dirty magazine and giving a cock which then would repent. Alone again, cursed softly to his friend for having cut the thread of the investigation into his identity ( who I am and what I become? ) luckily had not arrived when he was with his sister magazine ...
-where was I ... "he asked himself. Ah yes, chapter two 'Your best friend gets you more than any other living thing? '
rang the door bell but was quick to put everything under the counter before seeing who it was because I was not going to allow another person caught him looking at that.
-Izaki ...
- You again? You come here with money, so long.
"This ... okay.
Izaki raised his head to be found not to Makis, but Genji who had his hand on the door. ' No, wait! '. Genji did not end because the door looked at him a moment before closing and be before him. Izaki apologized, scratching his arm that itched, but I needed to keep your hands busy with something.
"I thought you were someone else.
-Ahm-Genji looked at him, stared at the floor and looking at him volvíaa wanted to talk to you.
Izaki saw it coming. Was not prepared for that but you were coming to mind all the possible scenes of what was to happen next ' Last night was a mistake, should not this happen, did not know what he did, just friends, we'll leave it here ... '
- Now? Asked all sure sounds serene.
Genji nodded, did not seem to doubt nothing, so it was satisfied everything. He was angry and envy that you did not stutter, her voice had the same firm as ever. Seemed to happy.
"I know where is Ken, I have written.
Izaki could breathe again and asked what he would do, if you answer or go see him. Brown said he would catch the bus coming to a town near the coast which had installed the old yakuza, but would have to walk a while.
- Do you go with?
shrugged Genji and the blond did not know what he meant by the gesture, and did not know if he had gone to tell simplemente para que lo supiera o porque quería que fuera con él.
-Si me esperas media hora, voy contigo.
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