Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bmi Females Aged 2-20 Uk


"I knew that Harry had not heard about me, "says Regina sadly, standing in front of the fireplace. But I did not expect his reaction.

"I know, princess, I know," Remus whispered in his ear as he tried to hug her from behind, but she left quickly.

"It's very close to Sirius, right? "He muttered angrily, which was reflected in his eyes, but maybe it was just a reflection of the flames in his dark eyes.

"Yes, obviously," said Remus, shrugging his shoulders as if she could let go of the tension that prevailed in the room. After all is his godfather.

- And I am his godmother! Do not forget, Remus! She exclaimed, looking into his eyes as he pointed to his chest with his forefinger. A tear threatened to peek, but he refrained.

- Never! How podría olvidar quién eres tú -le dijo Remus, acercándose a ella con la intención de abrazarla nuevamente y tranquilizarla.

-Eso ya quedó en el pasado -le aclaró Regina mirándolo con ternura, dejándose abrazar por un breve instante-.   No digo que fue un error, pero…

-No, no fue un error y me alegro que haya pasado -le confesó Remus al oído para después plantarle un tierno beso en la mejilla-. Fue lo más maravilloso I've experienced.

"But you were much happier before I appear in your life," she said firmly, gently pushing him away from her. You and James and Sirius were living in their perfect world. Always superior, arrogant and sly. Everyone loved them!

- That ceased to be important in I noticed you were there! Remus exclaimed, completely convinced of the truth in his words. He sank into the chair over feeling advance defeated in a battle that had just begun.

"And then it all fell apart. Your friendship with Sirius to begin Regina whispered, his mind wandering into fragments of the past.

's not true, is stronger than ever, "said Remus, a fool in his truth.

"I think not, you saw her reaction a few minutes," he countered Regina, his nod to demonstrate its contempt for Harry's godfather. If I could I would cast a spell, but the boy was there.

- How long will you stop hating?

- Never! "Exploded with anger, expressing anger in every syllable of his words. It's your fault that you and I have separated. It's his fault, and yours and that of James that Voldemort has released its full fury on Potter and now he is after Harry to kill him!

- That's not true, Regina! None of that is true! "He shouted back Remus, who had already Raised sillóny walked toward her menacingly. How can I make him see that his anger blinded her? Just realize that Regina was not the person I had met at Hogwarts and the love and admiration he had felt she was slipping away to make way for a huge pity.

"You know I do," she whispered. hatred and resentment that fed on Snape through his mockery and contempt ... just ... did

-Severus had not changed their way of being and thinking just because we downplay or we had become his friends sentenced Remus, angry because he knew where he was going to Regina with his comments.

giving is away from her long, firm steps toward the window. The day looked beautiful out on the street and beyond, far beyond, where the view was not enough, stood the majestic forest of Dean. Many summers before and therefore thousands of moons ago had been happily indulging in love with the passion that had been born in her young heart.

The sixth year at Hogwarts was over. Sirius had already left home and family and spent the holidays with James, where he had not wanted to go under the pretext that he had heard of an antidote for lycanthropy, work a magician who lived in a faraway place. Despite the pleas and warnings of his friends said his desire to go only with the pretext that it was a personal adventure, but heart always appreciated sincere concern for their safety. Never regretted Had they been lied to so openly, instead it was the constant presence of Regina at his side, accompanying him on the two full moons, to others, had been traveling.

The painful transformation into a werewolf looked rewarded each dawn he awoke from his trance. He remembered little of what that were to happen at night, but probably nothing serious, as she was in charge of jail just before his PROCESSING adormecíaa the terrible beast with music from an enchanted harp. Then, just before dawn, the cage desaparecíay she fell asleep at his side, exhausted by their long and constant flying around. It was Remus who then watched her sleep until late morning. Verla awaken the emotion that flooded without another word, he made love again and again.

were two months of total happiness, the most wonderful had happened, until a poacher, hidden in the darkness, tried to chase the hawk, hitting the wing. Had raised hope of seeing her there, but when he realized his absence, began to look desperate, fearing that he or some other animal had killed her, but, found unconscious in a clear forest, a pool of blood with an arrow in the shoulder. At that time vowed never to put her in danger, so I returned to the real world after Regina recovered. To no avail their prayers and tears. Never again expondríaa death. To comfort her, he promised that when they were back at Hogwarts to spend more time together, but would be James, Sirius and Peter who would take care of during the full moon.

- ... had not been aware that Lily daríaa light at the end of July if not what Severus had said.

- What? Remus blurted surprised, because the mere mention of Voldemort had returned to the present.

"Nothing, never mind. Spent my speeches that love conquers all and are useless.

- What you talking about love? "Remus said sarcastically. You, you left an innocent man in Azkaban to satisfy your own selfishness, you dare to speak of love?

- BASTA! "I asked Regina. I told you it does not matter!

right, "Remus replied, approaching it just in time to hold a pearl that was beginning to roll down her cheek. It's too late for speeches. And I fail to see anything you love so much ever proclaim aloud.

She went back to the fireplace, while Remus walked away to leave the habitacióny close the door behind him.


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