"But why did not anyone told me about it before? Harry asked Mrs. Weasley, while helping others save the clean dishes
I do not know, "replied Harry Molly as honestly as possible. After ... Sirius was taken to Azkaban, nobody heard from again.
"We thought
"Probably," said Harry. After thinking for a minute I wanted to do, took some fruit center table and a small bowl. Sirius had not eaten breakfast yet and ...
- That is for Sirius? Hermione asked. Harry replied with a slight nod. I think Miss Courtroy not had breakfast. It would be nice to bring him also something to eat.
"But ..." Harry hesitated. You're right. I'll take something too.
took a bunch of grapes and put them in a bowl along with a couple of apples and peaches. He left the kitchen with the intention of seeing Sirius first, so I went straight to the top floor.
Sirius whirled through the attic like an animal cage and apparently had forgotten feeding Buckbeak, who was nervous. The mood of caregivers also worried him.
- Sirius? "I look Harry gave him an apple tools. How come you never told me about Regina?
"Well ... as you may have noticed, I do not sympathize with her and she replied, taking the fruit offered the boy.
- Boy, I realized! "Replied Harry before him, in turn, a bite of a juicy peach. He hesitated a minute before speaking further. Remus had also told me been the best friend of my mother.
"Yes, indeed. They were inseparable, "he began to explain Sirius, his eyes turned towards Buckbeak, but really did not see it. In our years at Hogwarts were the brightest girl around the school.
Harry watched him closely. He soon realized that Sirius's eyes peered hatred mixed with an emotion I had not seen him before. He sat on an old wooden box to keep listening.
"I've never seen a girl play Quidditch Sirius that way," he continued. A faint smile of triumph appeared on her lips, but never managed to take away form the office of James, although he was very close. Lily was quite reckless and always scolded her for that.
"Remus said it was also my godmother," murmured Harry. Is it true?
- What why ...? "I try to ask.
- Why nobody told you so far? Sirius interrupted him abruptly, throwing the rest of the apple to Buckbeak. What I know, Harry! I was twelve years locked up in Azkaban Remember?
- Is everything okay here? "Came the voice of Remus, who had a few minutes standing in the doorway listening to the conversation between Harry and Sirius. Approached Harry to give him a light pat on the back, trying to comfort him, because Sirius had never spoken that way and felt uncomfortable.
"I just wanted to know ...
Arthur" As I said before, "he said Remus quietly Regina did not know anything after your parents died and Sirius was arrested. I personally think he fell into a strong preferred depresióny away for a while.
- Depression? "Regina with depression? How stupid, Remus! Sirius exclaimed angrily, pointing a finger towards the ground as accusing the woman standing a few floors down. As Harry's godmother had an obligation to protect it! I would have done but he had orders from Dumbledore Hagrid!
- It was the best we could have done!
Harry watched confused, fearful that at any time a fight broke out between them. He rose from his makeshift seat and stood in the middle of the two, determined to conclude its visit.
"I know that has passed between you and Regina," he told Sirius extremely seriously, nor do I care. Just want them to do their differences aside and think a little what it is supposed that both mean in my life.
Without another word, left there and went down the stairs as fast as he could, leaving Sirius and Remus with their mouths open.
Harry is right, Sirius, Remus muttered ruefully. You two have to talk once and for all.
"I do not mind," said reluctantly as he threw a dead rat Buckbeak. pregnant I do not think a long time.
"As you wish, but think Harry will you? "Remus said sadly before leaving alone again.
Harry's words echoed in his head once more. Unintentionally, he wondered whether it was possible that after so long could be reconciled. It seemed impossible for between Regina Ely had formed an impregnable barrier that neither the tragic death of his friends had managed to pull down.
do not even remember how or why it had all started. Perhaps he had been arrogant and overbearing attitude of the immature teenager who initially had distant. Had never forget the look of open contempt looming Regina's eyes whenever she and Lily's surprised to Elya James students spending jokes so unpopular and unattractive as Snape and Ludhorn.
also clearly remember that sunny August afternoon as it was directed at the lake in the company of friends. Regina had cast a spell to make him fall on his face in front of a group of girls passing by. He had never felt such humiliation, but that almost no longer matters Remus knew immediately when discussed with Regina and ended their relationship.
However, their clashes became more constant. Again and again he challenged openly and under any pretext, eager to show the other who was the best of both. None never won more than severe reprimands from Professor Dumbledore and a few nights in detention, but the Halloween dinner at the seventh year, things were about go too far and they spent two weeks in the hospital under the care of
Over the years, all these situations were so childish that Sirius finally had to admit that the reason for his displeasure with Regina was deeper, significant and terribly painful, only that his heart was not atrevíaa be honest.
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