Sunday, May 10, 2009

Russian Bare Free Movie

rosane_treter @ 2009-05-10T03:24:00

Before dawn, Regina left the tent of the girls and began to cross the meadow, looking carefully around him. Convinced that everything was in order, came to the shore of the lake which clearly reflected the weakness and darkness of the night. It only took a few minutes to undress before going to sleep cold water that shook her body but without being numb. I take a deep breath before diving to the bottom, where it remained for a long time before diving. If something I enjoyed more than the wind touching your skin while flying in the form of a hawk or riding her broom, was the sensation of water around your body, because both elements was the freedom of movement could hardly on solid ground.

I left the warm waters of the lake just in time to enjoy a sunrise especially colorful. Some wild animals awoke at dawn and filled the air with a wide range of sounds, but failed to get its sueñoa none of the young. Only Tonks had already risen and was sitting at the table, looking curiously at the different dishes someone had arranged for breakfast. As was unaware of the presence of Regina, winced when he heard his voice behind her.

- starving!

"Oh, good morning Miss Courtroy

" Without ceremony, Regina Tonks asked with a smile. I have not had the opportunity to thank you agreed to accompany us.

"Just hope I do not intrude in some way, "he said sheepishly.

- you say, girl! Regina-river, bringing you a plate of fruit to Tonks, who almost spills over the table. Come, have breakfast with me, because I am not capable of supporting up to awaken others.

Tonks was overjoyed Regina's invitation because he was also hungry and hoped to take the opportunity to talk with her.

"Dumbledore told me that you are part of the Order," he said Regina

"Yes ... I know you were part of it," said Tonks as a piece seedless watermelon a-. Many new members do not know you personally. Remus says you disappeared without saying anything to anyone.

"Yes," Regina whispered as he took a couple of slices of toast, I walked away because there was so much pain around me death ... Lily, the seclusion of Sirius ...

"I understand," said Tonks, tutearla finally brightening. But now that you've come back, everything will be better.

"I just hope it goes well rid of it," said Regina worried. The fact that Voldemort has regained human form means you're willing to take power again. Not be an easy fight.

"But now we are better prepared "Said Tonks, who had finished eating the piece of sandíay was using a dish of sausages and scrambled eggs. That said Professor Dumbledore and I believe him.

"I'm aware of some plans," said Regina, "and although I disagree on some things, I think for now we are ready for any surprise.

Tonks replied in the affirmative with a nod because his mouth was filled with biting a sausage. Regina smiled amiably. With a light pass of your hand pulled her the pot of tea and poured two cups. Not long ago enjoyed a breakfast in the company of someone, but feared that any moment Tonks began to ask more questions about where he past last fifteen years. To their fortune, Tonks was more concerned with eating than anything else.

Harry left his tent shortly after. He was surprised to witness one morning so splendid, completely sunny with few clouds in the sky. I knew that magic was the work of Regina but did not complicate their lives trying to figure out how he did it. I was really thankful that his godmother gave him a holiday completely different than I was accustomed to spend on Privet Drive and he was determined to enjoy them.

Camino quickly to where they were Regina and Tonks. I greet them both with warm hug and a kiss on the cheek and poured himself a big dish of fruit.

- Did you sleep okay, honey? I ask Regina lovingly. I hope so.

"Sure," replied Harry. Except for Ron's snoring, which I'm used to, I rested a lot. What are we doing today?

"I have no idea, it depends on what you want to do.

"I think I would swim for a while and then ...

" Good morning everyone "greeted Hermione amablemente. Detrás de ella apareció Ginny, que sólo se limitó a sonreírles-.   ¡Esto se ve delicioso!

Al poco rato el pequeño grupo reía a carcajadas. Ginny había estado hablándoles sobre cómo solían comportarse sus hermanos cuando se sentaban a la mesa, e imitaba los regaños y amenazas de su madre con increíble similitud.

Antes de que los chicos terminaran de desayunar, Regina se levantó table, claiming he needed to walk a bit before going to swim with Harry. Amid the laughter, had reached to hear a new series of thunder and needed to inspect the surroundings for any signs of deterioration in the enchantment that had invoked.

was moving slowly along the woods when Tonks caught up.

- I can go with?

"Sure," he said with a smile Regina

"There must be powerful wizards or witches in your family, right?

- Why do you ask?

"It had never been an illusion as vivid as it

" It's very simple once you get the hang of, "said Regina. Maybe one day I teach.

"I would love to learn," replied Tonks with attentive gratitude. And what about the tears that becomes a pearl? Ginny and Hermione told me about that.

Regina gave a long sigh.

"That itself is powerful magic, but I did not do. It was a spell that a wizard did on my grandmother and came to me.

- Oh! Tonks exclaimed in surprise.

"It's not what you think," said Regina to reassure her. My grandmother Serena fell in love with a young wizard while studying at Hogwarts, but his parents disagreed with their relationship, so they decided to take her to America. One night, in secret, my grandmother and this young man was fired, but she wept with grief as the magician, moved by his grief, he invoked powerful magic to turn your tears into pearls, because he believed there was nothing more beautiful or more valuable than the pain of a woman in love.

- How sweet does that sound sad!

"My grandmother engages a necklace with these beads as he traveled to America. The most terrible of all was that he could never tell that young man she was pregnant so my father never met him. He always believed he had been abandoned and despised anything that had to do with magic. Even though my grandmother returned to England with the hope that my father wanted to enter Hogwarts, never did. After I married and I was born, but when he realized that from a very small I could do magic, moved to America again. My father did not know how to control and Serena traveled with us and took up teaching me a lot since then. When I turned 10, my grandmother asked my father to return to England so I could attend Hogwarts, but he refused. There were many fights and arguments until one day I said I had no right to forbid me to be what I was, a witch. My father was so angry that I ran home and her life at that moment.

- That's terrible!

-The following year Hogwarts and met Lily, who became something closer to the sister I never had.

- Have you heard from your grandfather in all this time, at least what was his name?

"No, unfortunately not with grief," said Regina. The only way I could find was with the pearl necklace my grandmother gave me when I took the train at King's Cross. According to her, my grandfather would recognize him immediately to see him, but lost forever

- Lost? How?

"Just disappeared, Tonks. I think I've talked more than many people know me.

"Sorry ... I did not .... Is that ..

"Well, you know part of my story so that makes us dear friends, is not true.

"Oh, I ... I appreciate what I have said

"And I feel very honored if you accept my friendship," said Regina while he stretched out his hand to seal their new relationship.

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- Are you ready? Regina asked the group of young people, holding hands, were standing in the middle of the huge library of House of Black. A chorus of young voices responded with such enthusiasm that Remus could not help smiling. Tonks también los observaba desde el descanso, intrigada por lo que iba a pasar

-¿Seguro no quieren acompañarnos? –les dijo Harry sin soltar la mano de Regina y de Hermione, pero ambos negaron con la cabeza.

-Pueden venir cuando quieran, Remus -le indicó Regina-.   Un par de días de fuera de aquí les caerían muy bien.

-Tal vez -le dijo Remus-.   De todos modos alguien tiene que llevarles de comer, ¿no?

- Tonks? "Regina asked, smiling at the girl who now had long hair and a brightly fluorescent green. Come join us, please.

Ginny and Hermione stared at her, begging her to accompany them. Remus looked for a moment before deciding to join the group. Regina smiled sweetly, whispering a word of thanks as he passed her.

"Now, I want to close their eyes and think of a beautiful lake, clear water and warm-Regina asked. Ready? The count of three will be given two steps forward ... and do not open their eyes until you tell them. One ... two ... Fred! Two .... Three!

In a second felt pulled toward the front as if they were sucked into a bubble, but none dared to open his eyes even though they were dying of curiosity to know in dollars nde was. All around him could feel the air warm and the smell of fresh pine invaded them slowly.

"I arrived," reported Regina still holding Harry's hand, which is dumb to see the landscape.


opened their eyes, each issued an expression of surprise at what lay before them. Were in the midst of a vast green meadow that stretched down to a huge lake of crystalline waters. The landscape was bordered by a thick forest of pine and oak trees that probably housed an impressive array of birds, as they stood to hear a large number of trills different sound. Harry seemed to hear the song of a phoenix in the distance, but was not sure.

had begun to get dark but the grass was already lit a fire and around it there were eight sleeping bags and in between two tents , a table and several wooden benches.

- Can a swim before dinner? Asked one of the Weasley twins visibly moved by the fun promised the lake.

"Of course, George," Regina replied with a wink. It's your vacation remember?

Fred and George looked for a moment. How Regina had guessed who was who had taken them by surprise but did not want to waste time asking. Without further ran into the lake, undressing on the road no matter where their clothes fell.

- Girls? Contacting Dana said Tonks, Ginny and Hermione. a swim If you want to find what they need at the store on the left. Of boys is on the right, Ron

- Are you coming Harry? Ginny asked as the others got up to go to the tents.

"No, maybe later - Harry replied politely. I wanted to be alone so Regina and understood the demás, por lo que se alejaron charlando en medio de bromas y risas.

Regina, que había trasformado sus ropas en unos pantalones de mezclilla y un jersey, se sentó en el suelo muy cerca de la fogata y ocasionalmente lanzaba trocitos de ramas al fuego. Harry la imitó casi de inmediato, pero mantenía la mirada dirigida hacía sus amigos que se divertían de lo lindo jugando en el lago. Pasaron varios minutos muy largos sin decir nada, tal vez esperando que el otro iniciara la conversación.

-Vaya, no sé por dónde Regina started murmured shyly.

"Me neither," replied Harry. I think the most obvious would be the beginning.

"Well, then I'll start," said Regina lie drew a wallet from back pocket of his trousers. Toma. A picture of your mother.

Harry stared at the photograph of two girls who smiled and waved her hand. Both wore the uniform of the College with tie from the house of Gryffindor. The background was the massive Hogwarts castle that housed.

"That was our first day at Hogwarts. Both were somewhat frightened, but at the same time eager to learn all they could teach us.

- They met in college? Asked Harry.

"Yes, I do not conocíaa anyone when I came to England to attend Hogwarts.

- You're not from here?

"Here was born, but my parents and my grandmother came to America shortly thereafter, and did not return until I was ten years.

- Do you live with your parents?

"No, my grandmother. They would not go. Long story. My father is a professor of physics at a college in America and Regina ... "he began, but was a long pause before continuing, as if it hurt to give an explanation. My father believes that his father, my grandfather left my grandmother before he was born and never wanted to know about anything linking it to him or magic.

"I understand ..." said Harry as a courtesy even though he had many other questions in mind, but as he realized how difficult it was to Regina to talk about this issue, preferred not delve into the matter.

A tense silence again be present. Harry turned his eyes to the picture that had in their hands looking for any detail that will help you change the subject. Lily and Regina had started to run around and jump from side to side, obviously happy to be together.

Soon, the laughter of Ron, Ginny and Hermione listened closer. They had left the water and walked toward the camp peacefully. Regina turned to the sky and based on the position of the stars, he calculated that it was time for dinner. Harry took her hand and encouraged him to get up to catch up, they had already reached to the table and the dishes were glad that someone had arranged without noticing.

- Incredible! Admired Ron muttered as he sat in front of a tray of baked chicken, one of his favorite dishes. I have so hungry!

"What rare," joked brother Fred, who had just arrived with Tonks and Fred, just in time to listen. Let's hurry before this greedy drag everything!

Regina smiled fun to see the expression of offense in the face of Ron. The others had begun to eat, except for Tonks, who felt a little out of place.

-Sirius says you played on the Quidditch team, "said Harry, interested in knowing all about it and relieved to have found a conversation that was interesting for everyone.

"Yes, I was placed as a team jacket in his fourth year," he said Regina, making an effort not to appear upset by the mention of Sirius.

"You have a record of entries in the College, is not it? "Said Hermione, with no intention of showing off their skills. "Three hundred and something?

Surprised by the comment, Ron dropped the piece of chicken on the plate. Regina had never related to the Quidditch but had no idea that Hermione was aware of figures and precise data on the sport that he loved.

"Yes ..." replied Hermione, smiling modestly. How do you know?

"I read the unauthorized history of Hogwarts, Hermione said proudly.

- Why unauthorized history? Tonks asked, showing real interest in the matter. Was so little that Regina knew any details about it interested him much.

-The official story says the record is Stephen MacLoud, Ravenclaw, with three hundred twenty-four "said Regina indifferently. I wrote down three hundred forty-two, but eighteen were invalidated, so do not count in the official record.

A murmur of disapproval arose in the table, especially from Fred and George, who were outraged by what they considered an unforgivable injustice.

- Why not? Asked Harry, eager to hear the whole story.

"I discounted that scored twelve goals in a match against Hufflepuff, intervened suddenly the voice of a person who minutes before had appeared in the meadow and reached to hear part of the conversation. Regina had only noticed his presence.

- Remus! Tonks cried unable to hide his emotion.

All other celebrated with applause an unexpected visit from Remus and Fred and George moved a few inches from their homes to make a space in the table.

- Professor Hooch invalidated the game, went on to explain Remus as he cut a piece of strawberry cake, "because someone had loved the bludger so he could not hit your father.

- Security was Sirius! Harry cried with joy, which vanished almost immediately when she noticed that Regina was frowning.

- What about the other six? Asked Ginny curiosity.

-A game against Slytherin, "Remus answered again. His star striker was a bit violent in trying to block Regina and knocked the broom. Had it not been for James, had been a free fall of over 25 meters . The protests of the houses ended up in a terrible battle and we were punished at all canceling the match.

- Go! Harry exclaimed, excited by the participation of his father in the story and wanting to know more respect, he asked what else unintentionally.

"Well," Remus continued, looking at Regina cautiously. Sirius was angry with your father and stopped speaking for a week, but Lily ...

- ... began to see him as a hero since then "said Regina as he rose from the table marked elegance. 'll go for a walk, "he said by way of apology and walked away.

Harry looked at her walking to the lake quickly. I could not help thinking that the conversation would just have offended you in any way, so I turned to Remus in search of an answer.

"It's okay, Harry told him to calm him. Regina is just ... I miss your mother. Come on, we finish dinner to go to sleep. This has been a wonderful evening.

Although the sky was clear and the stars stood out brightly on the dark some thunder rumbled in the distance. Regina could not help but shudder and searched through the thick forest for signs that indicate that the enchantment that had invoked the help of Dumbledore was weakened, but saw nothing. Far away, in the camp, the boys were gathered around the fire and chanted something that she could not recognize. Satisfied smile to know that Harry and his friends were enjoying the evening.

returned to lie on the grass, staring at the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major. He thought of Lily and the many nights like that that had been observing and calculating the positions of the planets to the tasks of the kind of astrology. Reviewed one by one the supposed influences of the stars in the life of human beings, after all intangibles except for the effects of the moon. And then his thoughts were focused on Remus.

Back to see him after so long had not produced the sensation of pain she had expected, probably because the love I felt in adolescence had not been ma , s the illusion caused by the awakening of the feeling called desire and the need for intimacy with a man. He could not deny that they had learned many things together outside the classroom, but over the years had given much thought to their relacióny was almost certain that had confused state of excitement generated by their furtive encounters with Remus with that feeling called love.

Regina had seen James and Lily fall in love often talked about how he felt in his heart when I was with him, but nothing could compare with what she felt when she was with Remus. Without doubt, the breakup had hurt deeply, but had never felt so desperate as to want to die at that moment and believe that his life would be meaningless without it. Unpretentious, Remus and Regina had managed to maintain a very sincere friendship after they left school and became loyal companions and allies in the early days of the Order of the Phoenix.

But his anger toward Sirius remained as strong and present as the first day. Nothing had changed their feelings, but sincerely regret all the harm he had caused. If he allowed, was willing to talk with Ely apologize, but that may not serve anything.

- Are not you sleeping? Regina-heard suddenly. He had been so lost in thought I had not noticed the presence of Remus.

"No, I have no dream," he said as he sat beside her. long ago got used to spend sleepless nights.

"But not like before, right? Remus murmured sadly.

Regina could not help sighing again. Rose gradually to sit down and adjusted his bangs falling over his forehead.

"I was a fool to let you go.

"Stop tormenting yourself, Remus. There is no point.

"I know, but all this while you were away I did badly needed," said Remus without changing the pitch of his voice.

"Sorry all you've been through," said Regina mildly, concerned about the morale of his friend, but now there are many more important things to us. We have to protect Harry, remember?

"I can not forget. We owe it to Lily and James.

"And we same too, Remus, "she declared vehemently. If you want to be free and happy for the rest of our days, we have to fight Voldemort.

Remus looked up at his black eyes glowing. He knew the woman sitting opposite him, so his words only confirmed to him that Regina was determined to accomplish his mission in the Order and would not allow anything interfere with it.

Far thunder was heard even though the sky remained clear and Remus and Regina looked for a moment without saying anything. At camp, the boys remained in front of the fire and make out the silhouette only gleaned from one of the twins seemed to be imitating the gait of a wild animal. Remus placed a hand on Regina's chin and pulled him to kiss her, but only managed to touch his lips for a moment as she pulled away gently. A moment later, Regina stood up and handed a hand, inviting him to his feet.

"We must go to rest," suggested Regina. Who knows what awaits us tomorrow.

- Do you think Sirius managed to break the spell of protection? Remus asked as they walked back to camp.

-until you change your intentions, be at peace, "said Regina smiling proudly, so do not worry.

As you approach the campfire, Regina noticed a look of resentment in the eyes of Tonks and for a moment suspected the cause, probably had been watching from the distance and he realized that he had tried to kiss her. As he sat next to her, could not help smiling tenderly, for it seemed wonderful that there is the possibility that he was in love with Remus. Although he did not know much about it, I was sure I could help Remus to live a normal life, provided he was willing to see it.

A new series of thunder, much louder than the others, was heard in the distance. The boys looked at each other and finally the six pairs of eyes fell on Regina, virtually the same time. Trying to be discreet, Ron nudged Hermione, she received reluctantly, but he went to Regina with extreme politeness.

- What should the thunder? Asked the young witch.

"It's nothing, Hermione, Remus said, anticipating Regina. Do not worry, there is no chance of storms, at least not tonight.

Despite the sincerity with which Remus spoke, none was satisfied with the answer, but went to sleep without protest.

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Harry's tripping down a flight of stairs to the attic away and therefore Sirius's foul mood. Only just seen him angry the day he met him in House of Screams, when, completely out of it, Wormtail forced to regain his human form. Al After Pettigrew was the real traitor to his parents, he had already handed over to Voldemort, despite being the guardian of the secret.

The only way to know the reason why Sirius Regina was hated by questioning her directly, So after taking a big breath, as if that would fill in value, went to the bedroom door and knocked emerald.

"Come, Harry," said a voice inside. Regina was still before the fire, although there were no traces of what had happened there between her and Remus. In his hand he held a pearl bracelet just crimp.

"I brought this girl ..." Harry said a little nervous. The truth, I had no idea how to approach her and also found it hard to look at her after the way he had behaved during breakfast, so I left the bowl grapes on a table beside the fireplace, looked around to recognize the habitacióny then overwhelmed by the tense silence, decided to leave.

"Thank you, Harry," Regina said at last, for he had devoted to observe the figure and the boy's twitching, recognizing in them some gestures Lily Evans. I was thinking if you like to leave here for a few days ... I mean ... go on a vacation to know us better.

- Place Leaving Grimaulds? Harry asked, surprised. Is not that dangerous?

Regina smiled as she approached Ely ruffling her hair with his hand.

"No, dangerous no, "replied still smiling. I would never do anything to put you in danger. I refer to these four walls transformed into something more ... different so to speak. I know an old trick for that.

Harry hesitated. I had no idea what it meant Regina, unless it referred to a similar spell that transformed the roof of the Great Hall at Hogwarts in more than bricks, columns and arches.

"I think it would be interesting.

"Interesting and fun, I assure you," Regina said as he took a couple of grapes in the bowl. If you agree, I will ask permission from Dumbledore to be away for a few days. Will you, darling?

Harry's heart gave a little jump to hear that last word. Honey. It was the same that I used Mrs. Weasley when talking to him, but the voice of Regina sounded lovely, warm and comforting. Maybe, Harry thought, and rang the maternal expression of which was not used because his Aunt Petunia had never been affectionate with him, and when the decíaa his cousin Dudley sounded false, Ridi ; films and manipulative.

"Well, I murmured Regina after releasing a sigh of resignation. I rushed to believe that you and ...

- No! ... I say yes! "Harry tried to say hurriedly. Had taken so long to answer that Regina had taken his silence as a refusal. Suddenly he felt a huge need to get closer to her, and as he repeated the other with marked enthusiasm, hugged his waist. If you want to go!

Regina was the sudden reaction of Harry with great joy, a feeling that had been isolated it for many years and suddenly being embraced by the boy she had seen the birth prompted him to start to mourn with sincere emotion. Harry wondered if his tears turned into pearls would feel like pebbles falling on his head, but nothing happened. Remained embraced for a few moments until Regina Ely started off throwing a series of questions, one after another.

- Where do you want to go, Harry? Regina asked with enthusiasm overwhelming. What mountains? How about the Alps? Or something less cold? Does the sea? I know a wonderful place near the sea is very warm at this time of year! Or maybe you prefer a tropical place?

- I have no idea, Regina! "Answered Harry's fun to see her move on all sides as he emphasized his questions marked fuss. I know nothing out of Privet Drive and could not say I had a holiday.

- Sure, sure, of course not! She said sticking on the forehead with the palm of your hand. Silly me!

"I'd like a place to swim

" Yeah ...

-With many trees, I like trees.

- How about a place where we can camp outdoors spend the night in front of a splendid fire?

- would be great! Hermione me ... "Harry stopped abruptly because I could not think of a real vacation without their best friends.

-Ron and Hermione can come too if you want, "he said Regina, knowing that this was what Harry wanted. can also invite the twins and Ginny. Believe me, I would do a favor to distract Molly if Fred and George his antics for a while are able to pull the house!

- Thanks! Harry exclaimed as he held back, thinking while Sirius would be mad not to feel appreciation for it.

"So we have a deal," said Regina with joy. His chin was resting on Harry's head, while his hand stroked her hair. talk to the teacher immediately to inform our plans, lest you happen to call a meeting of Member of the Order while we're on vacation. Do you think if we do tonight?

"Okay," confirmed Harry.

regretted having to break away from the embrace of Regina, but I wanted to tell the others as soon as possible to be ready in the evening. He was halfway towards the door when his steps ran back to kiss on the cheek, that Regina was with a loving smile.

He threw to run back up the stairs in a hurry, instead assuming that Hermione and Ron would be in your room. There they found sitting on the bed reviewing a huge book of spells and Ron face of boredom in marked contrast to the enthusiastic smile Hermione.

Harry chatted to them what had happened in the attic with Sirius and then Regina.

"I think it would be better if you go it alone with her," Hermione suggested after questioning whether it would be prudent to accompany Harry. I did not want in any way interfere with what, from their point of view, it could be a very important moment for Harry to meet his godmother.

She agreed, "he said Harry, trying to encourage his partner. I think he knows how important are you to me.

Ron smiled.

"I think it's better to be together, if something happens," suggested Ron, not because they suspect the intentions of Regina, but because he craved a vacation a little different than what was used.

- Something like what? "Said Harry worried

" I do not know, "muttered Ron, fearing she had committed an imprudence. We do not know much about it, not to be trusted if

- You do not think ...? She tried to tell Harry, but did not dare to complete the sentence.

"Just look at the Sirius-indicated reaction Hermione, that somehow Ron shared the concern. A note leagues not like.

"Well, this would be an opportunity to learn why

" Even if I said that my brothers can go, I do not try to hurt us all together "said Ron.

"We have to wait to see Professor Dumbledore says," suggested Hermione. If you think it is not convenient, for sure will tell.

By late afternoon, Harry down to the kitchen in search of news about the ride he had promised Regina, but instead found Molly preparing dinner Tonks and Ginny helping set the table, while Fred and George were in a corner discussing the news that appeared on the Prophet. At the other end of the table, Arthur, who had just arrived from the Ministry, Remus was talking to something that Harry did not manage to hear because they kept quiet about what they saw. It was not the first time a conversation between adults He was suspended in an appearance.

- Regina Have you seen? Simply asked, trying to appear indifferent.

"No, I guess it will be in your room," said Molly.

- Ah! -Managed to mumble a little sadly.

- What's Harry? Remus asked with left interésy fiddling with a pearl that is between his fingers.

"But ... we made plans for tonight," replied Harry.

- Oh, yeah! Arthur said suddenly, and began looking for something in the pockets of his jacket. Dumbledore asked me to tell them that everything will be ready for tonight.

Harry's face lit up immediately and had wanted to ask more details but Remus interrupted Arthur.

- What will happen tonight?

"Miss Regina had the excellent idea of taking all the kids on vacation for a few days," he said Arthur, still reaching into their pockets.

- Vacation? Remus repeated, confused

"Yes, I think somewhere in the mountains," said Arthur triumphant, having found a piece of parchment he Remus-spread . really envy them.

Remus eagerly began to read the message he had in his hands. The concern on his face began to fade to give way to a smile full of nostalgia.

"Well," he finally said, while rolling the scroll volvíaa. I think it will be a fun ride, Harry.

- So you agree? Harry asked surprised, but at the same time happy that nobody got in Regina plans.

"Yes, there is no problem. Anything bothering you?

"But ..." began the boy - I've been wondering where to go and if you really go but we, the younger.

Harry "Do not panic, nothing will happen," she said to comfort Remus. Regina knows what he's doing and I guarantee you will be completely safe.

Harry returned

a huge smile. Not only Dumbledore had given permission but Remus and Arthur seemed to be satisfied with the vacation was about to take together with your friends. He would have liked to know what Sirius thought about it, but it was likely that if he said, Sirius would not allow it.

excitedly out of the kitchen and ran upstairs to meet Ron and Hermione so had no opportunity to see Remus again lost in his memories. Tonks just seemed to realize that the look Remus stated that at that time was far from Grimaulds Place, and the expression on his face, which was remembering it was very enjoyable. Hurt, Tonks turned to the pans above the stove and resumed the task of removing the buckets with the help of his wand.

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"But why did not anyone told me about it before? Harry asked Mrs. Weasley, while helping others save the clean dishes

I do not know, "replied Harry Molly as honestly as possible. After ... Sirius was taken to Azkaban, nobody heard from again.

"We thought regresaríaa Order, but we did not see her," Arthur said quietly. "Maybe Dumbledore felt it necessary to not say anything to not give false hopes.

"Probably," said Harry. After thinking for a minute I wanted to do, took some fruit center table and a small bowl. Sirius had not eaten breakfast yet and ...

- That is for Sirius? Hermione asked. Harry replied with a slight nod. I think Miss Courtroy not had breakfast. It would be nice to bring him also something to eat.

"But ..." Harry hesitated. You're right. I'll take something too.

took a bunch of grapes and put them in a bowl along with a couple of apples and peaches. He left the kitchen with the intention of seeing Sirius first, so I went straight to the top floor.

Sirius whirled through the attic like an animal cage and apparently had forgotten feeding Buckbeak, who was nervous. The mood of caregivers also worried him.

- Sirius? "I look Harry gave him an apple tools. How come you never told me about Regina?

"Well ... as you may have noticed, I do not sympathize with her and she replied, taking the fruit offered the boy.

- Boy, I realized! "Replied Harry before him, in turn, a bite of a juicy peach. He hesitated a minute before speaking further. Remus had also told me been the best friend of my mother.

"Yes, indeed. They were inseparable, "he began to explain Sirius, his eyes turned towards Buckbeak, but really did not see it. In our years at Hogwarts were the brightest girl around the school.

Harry watched him closely. He soon realized that Sirius's eyes peered hatred mixed with an emotion I had not seen him before. He sat on an old wooden box to keep listening.

"I've never seen a girl play Quidditch Sirius that way," he continued. A faint smile of triumph appeared on her lips, but never managed to take away form the office of James, although he was very close. Lily was quite reckless and always scolded her for that.

"Remus said it was also my godmother," murmured Harry. Is it true?


- What why ...? "I try to ask.

- Why nobody told you so far? Sirius interrupted him abruptly, throwing the rest of the apple to Buckbeak. What I know, Harry! I was twelve years locked up in Azkaban Remember?

- Is everything okay here? "Came the voice of Remus, who had a few minutes standing in the doorway listening to the conversation between Harry and Sirius. Approached Harry to give him a light pat on the back, trying to comfort him, because Sirius had never spoken that way and felt uncomfortable.

"I just wanted to know ...

Arthur" As I said before, "he said Remus quietly Regina did not know anything after your parents died and Sirius was arrested. I personally think he fell into a strong preferred depresióny away for a while.

- Depression? "Regina with depression? How stupid, Remus! Sirius exclaimed angrily, pointing a finger towards the ground as accusing the woman standing a few floors down. As Harry's godmother had an obligation to protect it! I would have done but he had orders from Dumbledore Hagrid!

- It was the best we could have done!

Harry watched confused, fearful that at any time a fight broke out between them. He rose from his makeshift seat and stood in the middle of the two, determined to conclude its visit.

"I know that has passed between you and Regina," he told Sirius extremely seriously, nor do I care. Just want them to do their differences aside and think a little what it is supposed that both mean in my life.

Without another word, left there and went down the stairs as fast as he could, leaving Sirius and Remus with their mouths open.

Harry is right, Sirius, Remus muttered ruefully. You two have to talk once and for all.

"I do not mind," said reluctantly as he threw a dead rat Buckbeak. pregnant I do not think a long time.

"As you wish, but think Harry will you? "Remus said sadly before leaving alone again.

Harry's words echoed in his head once more. Unintentionally, he wondered whether it was possible that after so long could be reconciled. It seemed impossible for between Regina Ely had formed an impregnable barrier that neither the tragic death of his friends had managed to pull down.

do not even remember how or why it had all started. Perhaps he had been arrogant and overbearing attitude of the immature teenager who initially had distant. Had never forget the look of open contempt looming Regina's eyes whenever she and Lily's surprised to Elya James students spending jokes so unpopular and unattractive as Snape and Ludhorn.

also clearly remember that sunny August afternoon as it was directed at the lake in the company of friends. Regina had cast a spell to make him fall on his face in front of a group of girls passing by. He had never felt such humiliation, but that almost no longer matters Remus knew immediately when discussed with Regina and ended their relationship.

However, their clashes became more constant. Again and again he challenged openly and under any pretext, eager to show the other who was the best of both. None never won more than severe reprimands from Professor Dumbledore and a few nights in detention, but the Halloween dinner at the seventh year, things were about go too far and they spent two weeks in the hospital under the care of Mrs. Pomfrey.

Over the years, all these situations were so childish that Sirius finally had to admit that the reason for his displeasure with Regina was deeper, significant and terribly painful, only that his heart was not atrevíaa be honest.

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"I knew that Harry had not heard about me, "says Regina sadly, standing in front of the fireplace. But I did not expect his reaction.

"I know, princess, I know," Remus whispered in his ear as he tried to hug her from behind, but she left quickly.

"It's very close to Sirius, right? "He muttered angrily, which was reflected in his eyes, but maybe it was just a reflection of the flames in his dark eyes.

"Yes, obviously," said Remus, shrugging his shoulders as if she could let go of the tension that prevailed in the room. After all is his godfather.

- And I am his godmother! Do not forget, Remus! She exclaimed, looking into his eyes as he pointed to his chest with his forefinger. A tear threatened to peek, but he refrained.

- Never! How podría olvidar quién eres tú -le dijo Remus, acercándose a ella con la intención de abrazarla nuevamente y tranquilizarla.

-Eso ya quedó en el pasado -le aclaró Regina mirándolo con ternura, dejándose abrazar por un breve instante-.   No digo que fue un error, pero…

-No, no fue un error y me alegro que haya pasado -le confesó Remus al oído para después plantarle un tierno beso en la mejilla-. Fue lo más maravilloso I've experienced.

"But you were much happier before I appear in your life," she said firmly, gently pushing him away from her. You and James and Sirius were living in their perfect world. Always superior, arrogant and sly. Everyone loved them!

- That ceased to be important in I noticed you were there! Remus exclaimed, completely convinced of the truth in his words. He sank into the chair over feeling advance defeated in a battle that had just begun.

"And then it all fell apart. Your friendship with Sirius to begin Regina whispered, his mind wandering into fragments of the past.

's not true, is stronger than ever, "said Remus, a fool in his truth.

"I think not, you saw her reaction a few minutes," he countered Regina, his nod to demonstrate its contempt for Harry's godfather. If I could I would cast a spell, but the boy was there.

- How long will you stop hating?

- Never! "Exploded with anger, expressing anger in every syllable of his words. It's your fault that you and I have separated. It's his fault, and yours and that of James that Voldemort has released its full fury on Potter and now he is after Harry to kill him!

- That's not true, Regina! None of that is true! "He shouted back Remus, who had already Raised sillóny walked toward her menacingly. How can I make him see that his anger blinded her? Just realize that Regina was not the person I had met at Hogwarts and the love and admiration he had felt she was slipping away to make way for a huge pity.

"You know I do," she whispered. hatred and resentment that fed on Snape through his mockery and contempt ... just ... did

-Severus had not changed their way of being and thinking just because we downplay or we had become his friends sentenced Remus, angry because he knew where he was going to Regina with his comments.

giving is away from her long, firm steps toward the window. The day looked beautiful out on the street and beyond, far beyond, where the view was not enough, stood the majestic forest of Dean. Many summers before and therefore thousands of moons ago had been happily indulging in love with the passion that had been born in her young heart.

The sixth year at Hogwarts was over. Sirius had already left home and family and spent the holidays with James, where he had not wanted to go under the pretext that he had heard of an antidote for lycanthropy, work a magician who lived in a faraway place. Despite the pleas and warnings of his friends said his desire to go only with the pretext that it was a personal adventure, but heart always appreciated sincere concern for their safety. Never regretted Had they been lied to so openly, instead it was the constant presence of Regina at his side, accompanying him on the two full moons, to others, had been traveling.

The painful transformation into a werewolf looked rewarded each dawn he awoke from his trance. He remembered little of what that were to happen at night, but probably nothing serious, as she was in charge of jail just before his PROCESSING adormecíaa the terrible beast with music from an enchanted harp. Then, just before dawn, the cage desaparecíay she fell asleep at his side, exhausted by their long and constant flying around. It was Remus who then watched her sleep until late morning. Verla awaken the emotion that flooded without another word, he made love again and again.

were two months of total happiness, the most wonderful had happened, until a poacher, hidden in the darkness, tried to chase the hawk, hitting the wing. Had raised hope of seeing her there, but when he realized his absence, began to look desperate, fearing that he or some other animal had killed her, but, found unconscious in a clear forest, a pool of blood with an arrow in the shoulder. At that time vowed never to put her in danger, so I returned to the real world after Regina recovered. To no avail their prayers and tears. Never again expondríaa death. To comfort her, he promised that when they were back at Hogwarts to spend more time together, but would be James, Sirius and Peter who would take care of during the full moon.

- ... had not been aware that Lily daríaa light at the end of July if not what Severus had said.

- What? Remus blurted surprised, because the mere mention of Voldemort had returned to the present.

"Nothing, never mind. Spent my speeches that love conquers all and are useless.

- What you talking about love? "Remus said sarcastically. You, you left an innocent man in Azkaban to satisfy your own selfishness, you dare to speak of love?

- BASTA! "I asked Regina. I told you it does not matter!

right, "Remus replied, approaching it just in time to hold a pearl that was beginning to roll down her cheek. It's too late for speeches. And I fail to see anything you love so much ever proclaim aloud.

She went back to the fireplace, while Remus walked away to leave the habitacióny close the door behind him.

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Sirius Black walked down the stairs slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible so as not to awaken those who were still asleep. He paused on the landing of the first floor, as usual, checking that everything was calm. I noticed that the room door was closed and Esmeralda decided to take a look. Maybe Kreacher was doing something of his, like steal something valuable from the Black family, before many of them disappeared during the cleaning operation was carried out every afternoon under orders from Molly . was alarmed to learn that the door was locked so I immediately pulled out his wand and whispered a spell.

- Alohomora! repeated a little louder, but the door remained closed. It was possible that the elf had summoned a spell so powerful that he could not reverse. For some reason someone Order had ensured that no one broke into the room. He heard the sound of pans from the kitchen which was one floor below. Probably Molly was, which had already risen and was preparing it necessary for another delicious breakfast. After taking a last look suspiciously at the door, went straight up to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Molly greeted with perfect kindness.

- Good morning, Sirius! "She answered pleased to know that someone finally came down to breakfast. I have not finished, but if you're hungry, I can offer some fresh fruit.

"No, Molly, thank you, Black refused. Wait for others if you do not mind. By chance do you know why the room is closed Esmeralda.

- Oh, yeah! She cried while he was going to send the plates to the table. Professor Dumbledore came early with a visitor and stayed there.

- A visitor? Sirius asked casually, but was full of curiosity. Do you know who is?

"No, I do not know. Arthur was who opened the door and just told me that it was a surprise. Dumbledore wanted to make sure no one bothers to our guest.

"Yes, it is likely," muttered Sirius, dissatisfied with the response from Molly. Perhaps join us for breakfast.

Without another word, left the room heading to the library to start the morning inspection of Grimaulds Place. With a little luck would meet with any clues that shed some light on the identity of the mysterious guest. What was clear was that if Dumbledore had personally engaged in carrying headquarters was because it was probably someone you trust or who need protection. But, if indeed that was it, why close the room with a spell? "To prevent anyone from entering or to keep out the unknown?

had no way to know for now and bothered an exceedingly not being in control of what was happening, but consciously offered him the house of the Black Dumbledore to establish the headquarters of Order of the Phoenix. From that time had lost much of their freedom because, for their own safety, had been ordered to stay off the street. The Ministry of Magic still looked dangerous criminal in nature and a small army of Aurors was after him, though skillfully Shacklebolt had been mislead on many occasions. It was like going back to being a prisoner, but the Dementors lurking constantly, with more amenities and better food. In addition, Harry was at home and that filled him with great happiness, but also an unbearable nostalgia.

See Harry reminded him of James, his best friend and so terrible that his wife Lily Ely had been at the hands of Voldemort. If I could turn back time Sirius had given his life to save, but it was not possible. In all these years, the death of his friends tortured him more than the presence of the Dementors and the threat of the kiss of death. Azkaban had managed to survive only to find the real traitor and make him pay more than your infamy

deep in thought, Sirius did not realize that he had come back to the Emerald Room. He pulled his ear to the door to listen for anything, but only heard the faint crackling of the wood in the fireplace. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming down the stairs upstairs. He walked away from the door and pretended to walk in the opposite direction.

- How did you sleep, Sirius? Arthur Weasley asked with his usual cordiality.

"I think too well," said Black, with a slight smile. I did not hear both Dumbledore arrive last night.

- Ah! Already told you Molly?

"Yes, I said something about a guest, but did not say who it is," said Sirius in a tone as indifferent as he could achieve, as not wanting give importance to the issue.

-Ya we'll find out later because I could not see who was "Arthur admitted. hood of his traveling cloak covered her face and said not a word.

"We can only trust Dumbledore is not it?

Sirius could not continue as Fred and George put his head on the railing. Faced with the threat of a noisy falling down the stairs, Arthur simply put a finger on her lips to make them silent.

"With quiet, boys," they begged. Go to help her mother set the table, but quietly, please.

With exaggerated though silent hand and foot movements, youth finished down stairs, getting the boot a thin-lipped smile of Sirius. Sometimes the antics of the twins reminded him that he had made in company with James, Remus and Peter, but had not always gone well rid of them.

- Do we the dining room? "I called Arthur.

"No, go ahead," said Sirius Arthur, remembering that have not yet concluded the review routine house. I'll see if others have already raised.

continued on his way to the top floor up the stairs two at a time. Although he had suffered physically in Azkaban, his body was still agile and strong and was used to do a little exercise to increase strength. Lately, when I finished bathing and was discovered in the mirror, was surprised to discover some features of the attractive and athletic young man who had once been.

James Ely for many years had been the crush of many girls both in and outside Hogwarts there, but his friend had been fortunate having won the love of Lily, while he had escaped his hands. He had not fallen in love since the last two years of college and maybe never again to be, but that did not matter. Had managed to keep the great friendship and affection that bound him Remus nonetheless.

knocked on the door and listened as the young voice response inviting Harry to pass. Ron was on the bed trying to hang them because, as he was not allowed to use magic yet, he managed to stretch flannel sheet on a large double bed.

"Come boys, breakfast is almost ready-les asked gently. If we do not hurry, the twins are going to wipe out the toast and apricot jam last night brought Tonks.

- Apricot? Go! Now that I want, "said Ron visibly excited by the news. Not that my mom is not only delicious but Tonks always add a little liquor to yours.

Sirius and Harry let out a loud laugh that drew the attention of Ginny and Hermione immediately, because it was not usual to see or hear a frank expression of joy in the person of Sirius and that itself was something worth witnessing. Still laughing, Harry chatted to them what had happened in spite of the face of outrage that had Ron.

- I do not understand why they laugh! "Said Ron.

"But ..." Hermione was saying, laughing if you knew ...

- If I knew why! "Demanded Ron, greatly incensed because he had red ears.

"That does not add any liquor," said Ginny once caught his breath

- You can not imagine that used to ferment the fruit! "Said Harry to the disbelief of his friend. But you better not you find out how.

thousand ideas went through the mind of Ron and all them you were really disgusting, but had to admit that it had put in an embarrassing situation. In the end, could not contain himself and began to laugh at himself with such honesty that others imitated. Formed a chorus of laughter so loud that Molly had to go personally to shut them up.

- Enough, please! "He murmured. Although he had not raised his voice, was enough to look at his actions to realize he would have preferred full-throated scream. We have a guest who still sleeps in his room.

- A guest? Asked the four young men in unison. That meant that the day would be special, especially if they could convince whoever it was that they talked incessantly of his adventures, heroic deeds surely they rip off squeals of surprise or terror. And in some ocasióny not long ago by the way, Kingston Shacklebolt was presented at the barracks accompanied by Martin Littlepot. The dinner lasted until breakfast and not for Molly's insistence, the exciting conversation would probably have been long until lunch.

But he regretted having given more terminating the conversation had been very Littlepot, who rarely had told an audience so eager to know everything about her life . The magician had been known for many years have faced alone and unaided by magic, a group of men vampire somewhere in Bulgaria. Part of the magic community delighted to hear his story but most claimed that it was all lies because no one could confirm his story. The only witness to this feat was a humble and terrified peasant who had accompanied him on his adventure, but once back in England, became rich and famous. Muggles appeared in several newspapers hundreds of articles and interviews about what allegedly he had done abroad or even years later, he published two books about vampires but never said a word about Littlepot. The Ministry of Magic had ordered a change to the memory of that individual to forget forever that had once been an assistant to a powerful and brave sorcerer.

- Who is it, Mrs. Weasley? Harry asked innocently as they walked to the kitchen, knowing that she did not send atreveríaa silent.

I do not know baby, but come and go, I prepared sausages and mashed potatoes.

Rather than follow, Sirius turned to the third floor where he was staying Remus. He knocked a couple of times before entering. His friend was still in bed, with a look of tremendous fatigue. Two nights ago was full moon, although the effects were going on, still affecting him.

-Hope you do not have woken up with our party down there, "said Sirius as Remus's eyes fell on him.

"No, for nothing, "he replied with a warm smile. It's good to hear some laughter from time to time.

"Yes, it's amazing what a minute alegríay humor can do for a lost soul.

- What's the matter, Sirius? Remus asked worried, as his friend did not used to refer to what ailed him. He sat up slowly and got out of bed and then change clothes with a flick of his wand.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," said Sirius as his face was leaning out the window. Only I remember our old days at school.

"You know that none of it back. Even with a Time-Turner would achieve to make things change, said Remus with a strong hint of nostalgia and resignation. If something could be done, believe me I had already done so to change my condition.

"I know and the way we changed many things, "said Sirius looking into the distance.

Lupin finished arranging the bed and tidy the room in a heartbeat, then hurry to get off to eat something tasty, even a piece of rare cooked meat . He had spent two days in fasting and his senses were especially sensitive this morning.

- What is that? He said suddenly.

- What is what? "Said Sirius wand in hand, for the tone of surprise in the voice of his friend had put on alert.

"That smell, that smell Sirius! Remus whispered excitedly squinting and his nose pointed in all directions, trying to define where it came from what he had discovered his nose.

Sirius came running back and sniffed the air. His senses were not so sensitive at that time and was not going to turn into Padfoot for what is he talking out of his friend.


sausages, Remus, "she teased. see that you are very hungry, man.

"No, Sirius, why not ... another thing," said Remus and then made a long pause before leaving their habitacióny down the stairs, deep in concentration. Could not make out completely but ... it's all too familiar.

Remus moved slowly down the hall on the second floor and stopped right in front of door Emerald Room. Spent a few seconds before they lie on the floor and began to sniff the narrow space between the dusty carpet and door. Sirius looked at him intently, intrigued as rarely had been. It was the first time that Remus was behaving that way in his manhood, but he often did, only when something truly unusual attracted his attention.

- Who's here, Sirius? "She whispered once joined completely. Her eyes were unusual brightness was not lost on Sirius.

"That's what everyone has asked this morning," he replied stiffly, putting his hand on his chest as if she were about to swear - but nobody knows for sure.

- What do you mean? Remus said, amused at the solemnity with which he had replied Sirius. How can anyone know?

"It's a great mystery ... a secret carefully guarded by Dumbledore himself.

way to the kitchen, Sirius told him about what he had said Arthur was just under an hour. Remus, however, did not dare to confess that he had succeeded in identifying the subtle aroma of the mysterious visitor. She dared not even mention your name before Sirius fearing a very unpleasant reaction from you.

- Why so slow? Molly asked a little annoyed. I had to hide food casserole These trolls do not leave without breakfast.

Fred and George began to guttural sounds and move the blatant rudeness covered with stinging dishes while Ginny and Hermione, who were in front of them. Only Arthur, Harry and Ron seemed to find the game fun to mimic the twins. Before sitting down to breakfast, Remus and Sirius exchanged a glance that they alone were able to interpret, probably the two had remembered to have made a similar prank in the past.

"As he began after breakfast Molly say "I want you climb into the attic and cleaned up a bit there.

- But Mom! "Said Ginny. We are waiting to meet our guest.

- No buts, Ginny! Also, do not even know if will come down to breakfast. With the scandal up there have armed wonder still has not left his room.

"I'm here now, Molly," said the modulated voice of a woman with dark eyes and black hair then going through the door of the kitchen with elegance. Good morning everyone. I'm sorry I took so long, but I had to wash up a bit before going down.

Molly and Arthur shared a brief look of surprise and confusion, which went unnoticed by younger people, who looked stunned, impressed by his presence. The pale pink color of their skin not only highlighted by the black robe he wore, but also by the effect of red coral that colored her lips slightly fleshy.

-Bueno día, Remus –le saludó, acompañando sus palabras con un suave movimiento de la mano mientras se sentaba en un lugar vacío al lado de Hermione, a quien le dedicó a warm smile. How are you, Sirius?

Listening to her, Remus lifted his head slowly, fearing to find his eye. He looked a little different as I remembered, but by no means ceased to be a vision lovely. His face, still beautiful, also showed traces of time and painful experiences that seemed to seal his fate. When she smiled sweetly, her heart started beating even faster than I did since I knew she was the person in the room hosted Esmeralda.

-Regina, "he said slowly, but nobody managed to notice that by speaking their name, voice trembled slightly. In contrast, Sirius show a different attitude to others. It took just a minute overcome his amazement and quickly get out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind him.

- Sirius! Harry yelled as he noticed the fury of his godfather and was about to run out behind him.

"Let Regina Harry asked in a conciliatory tone. Join me for breakfast, okay?

- Do you know who I am? Asked the boy, the more surprised by the stupidity of his own words than by the fact that she knew who he was, because there was not one person in the wizarding world knew not Quie n it was Harry Potter.

"Yes, I know - answered before taking the cup of tea to his lips after a sip, he continued, looking at them in turn: - and I've heard a lot about young people Weasley and Hermione. I feel very honored to be here among you.

"We do not have the pleasure of knowing your name, miss," said Fred, died of curiosity.

Courtroy "I'm Regina," she said simply. There was nothing further to add to that name, so he took a slice of a dish in the middle of the table and sign a delicate Ginny asked him to bring the jam jar. Ron could not help recalling distaste I did not want know about it. What is it, Ron? The apricot that manure is fermented with winky-pinky does not mean you have an unpleasant taste, quite the contrary.

All except Harry, laughed together, especially after Regina Ron offered him the toast he had just prepared.

"If you know Remus and Sirius, Harry," began in earnest, - means that you also met my parents.

Regina fell

looked into the cup of tea in front of her, but did not respond. It was not in his plans to talk about James and Lily yet.

Harry, not now, please, "Remus asked looking into his eyes.

"I know now, professor," said Harry harshly. is obvious that something is wrong because Sirius had never seen so angry.

"Harry, please.

was now Hermione begged que se detuviera. Molesto, volvió la mirada hacia Ginny para saber si ella estaba de su lado, pero no fue así. Con una mueca le ordenó que se callara, como lo hacían todos los demás. La desconocida aún mantenía la cabeza baja, y sobre su túnica rodaban pequeñas perlas blancas que terminaban por caer en su regazo.

Harry se dio cuenta de que había sido imprudente. El hecho de que a Sirius no le agradara esa mujer no significaba que hubiera algo malo en ella. A fin de cuentas, Dumbledore la había escoltado personalmente hasta el cuartel de Order of the Phoenix and would not have done if she did not trust.

-Yo, I'm trying to say ... "Harry, but did not find the right words to apologize.

-Regina was Lily's best friend, "said Remus. And it is your godmother, Harry.

Murmurs of wonder began to resonate around, but the guy was sharp as he drilled ringing ears. He rose from his chair as if driven by a spring and ran to Regina to embrace. Other deeply moved watching the scene. Even twins, who did not lose a single opportunity to make jokes, had remained silent.

- Sorry, sorry! "Harry apologized wholeheartedly. I did not know!

After looking with tenderness and hoist the fringe to caress the scar on his forehead, Regina disappeared in a white cloud to become an elegant dark-feathered hawk flashes of silver. Remus began to flutter about until he got up to open the kitchen door and let her out. After I drove the second floor.

- I do not ...! "Repeated Harry. A lump in his throat prevented him keep talking so Ginny embraced with all his might.

"Relax, Harry," whispered the young man with infinite tenderness. None of us knew who she is and that there was no way to prevent this from happening.

"Yes, yes I had," muttered Harry, still a refugee his shoulder. I went with the anger I have for all who were hurt my parents. I was very rude.

"Not so Harry," Hermione said loudly, standing next to Ron, who has not yet recovered from the surprise. You have suffered a lot and after all, just replied to an emotional impulse. Not your fault.

-boys-ruled Enough Molly, still disturbed by the sudden departure of Regina. From now on you will have dinner before the adults.

Nobody protested. Ron is limited to collecting the pearls that had fallen to the ground. Hermione soon followed suit, which placed them carefully in a dainty cup of tea that had approached him Ginny.