Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How To Fix Error 0x8004707

a pleasant memory

half smile Shot put one foot in the truck, a sort of grin that usually comes off of nothing, because today spend a very cool day. I was with my alis. peredon, I say. Alis only. But by paying me imagine that after so long and so was my girlfriend I say, My. not with a sense of a capitalist possession, as my comrade socialist charly, but illusion as having a box pandora of happiness and leaves open the solution of poverty countries, a winning lottery ticket or niurca in bed for a solo quienceaƱero. First

. The traditional and solemn alis Morelia, try not to be so obvious, being very honest with every question asked through each trade of Morelos. Still did not stop to see her eyes light up, not to light sparklers. ! As GRBs in the eyes of the mutant Cyclops in X-Men, when you remove your glasses so we were doing step by step up to the buffet hungry. Second

. We come to the table. We sat. We looked. A silence quietly told us to both Who will be served first? of course let her attack first.

Pizza. Anecdotes sour . Pollo.Tonterias. a plate of spaghetti, Jokes and a timid step portion of ice cream for our table.

cambo Upon receipt in the box, she pulled out a gum from her purse with satisfaction, I keep the ticket as evidence of that event Testifier. Leaving

we received the night, buses and a taxi stopped to go home.
observe away by sending me a kiss goodbye.
I stopped and shot a half-smile to set foot on the bus


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