Saturday, February 16, 2008

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I can feel your hands in mine
way to your side with a I take great smile
waist, approached you with ami
see your face and your mouth slowly
draws me close my eyes and I'm not with

I am immersed in the most wonderful feeling
of my existence, for a moment I am everything in the universe
I can feel your lips glide over mine
as the moon touches the sea at sunset is

is most sublime moment where disappear

fears which filled me up
where I can die and still feel alive

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arma1 kiss @ 2008-02-16T02: 07:00

know, I'm tired of giving all my heart
'm tired of the details, surprises and flowers.
bad thing is that I do not pretend, do not lie, love and love of more
am very obvious, very expressive.

my feelings slowly drying gets rid
as believing that too will be reciprocated, although I have never asked for much, just to let love, as they never will.

sometimes think it is better not holy at all, since there is a superficial world that never sees the feelings, is carried away by appearances and is afraid of true love ...

'm also mother to see girls who suffer men who abuse them, cheat, half want them or not valued, supported primarily by a pretty face.
I think there is something perfect, these guys can not love and who have never had love.
this love denied, minimized, gobble, spit ...
has been purified to know exactly what love is.
hurts my Adam's apple, if I can not talk back I do not want to speak better yaaa
if I'll stay without speech, to speak .... fuck
if nobody likes my voice

is like the perfect date that I've drawn on my mind a million times, is how to make you happy that all science managed to make you never want for anything for your rotro a


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

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a pleasant memory

half smile Shot put one foot in the truck, a sort of grin that usually comes off of nothing, because today spend a very cool day. I was with my alis. peredon, I say. Alis only. But by paying me imagine that after so long and so was my girlfriend I say, My. not with a sense of a capitalist possession, as my comrade socialist charly, but illusion as having a box pandora of happiness and leaves open the solution of poverty countries, a winning lottery ticket or niurca in bed for a solo quienceaƱero. First

. The traditional and solemn alis Morelia, try not to be so obvious, being very honest with every question asked through each trade of Morelos. Still did not stop to see her eyes light up, not to light sparklers. ! As GRBs in the eyes of the mutant Cyclops in X-Men, when you remove your glasses so we were doing step by step up to the buffet hungry. Second

. We come to the table. We sat. We looked. A silence quietly told us to both Who will be served first? of course let her attack first.

Pizza. Anecdotes sour . Pollo.Tonterias. a plate of spaghetti, Jokes and a timid step portion of ice cream for our table.

cambo Upon receipt in the box, she pulled out a gum from her purse with satisfaction, I keep the ticket as evidence of that event Testifier. Leaving

we received the night, buses and a taxi stopped to go home.
observe away by sending me a kiss goodbye.
I stopped and shot a half-smile to set foot on the bus

Monday, February 4, 2008

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many feelings and do things without my Gely goes emo

am sad and angry for not doing the things that I wish

I'd love to talk to the princess of renewal, love, is WERIT, shorty, your skin is hermoza and I love her hips, plus she loves the children is responsible for watching them and serve.

I love looking at it as I see it very clearly ... I think maybe she was who would fill light my life,
if I have everything I'm not complaining, but I lack the magic of kissing a girl here to rid the threat.

Sometimes life is very monotonous when I have thoughts also tastes very different from the people around me I would love a girl to make me leave this world and fill me with experiences cute.

But something stops me wanting to talk about my fucking appearance makes me look like a being envejesido, people would think it would frighten evil even wanting to be your friend, and deperdido.

His parents are all a person of faith. I love fucked. Why am I fat? Why people do not remove prejudices and to look for the appearance? But they know I will find, I will give you a leaflet tell what's your name?

I'm tired of being told she is not for you, soon encotrare someone to love me.
But nobody wants, I'm not capable of causing attraction, I have no car or money.

I have very strange thoughts for the rest of the population, if only she found out my feelings.

Sometimes I wonder why the fuck they have a girlfriend? should perhaps be like the rest of the young people of my age, handsome, with money and car.

yes, I'm ugly, I have to conquer tactics just want no strings attached, all of that person seems nice and I can not pretend that I do not like or do not appeal to me.

Why I can not speak? "That I lose my voice with her or who I like?
course, but that if I can speak in public in front of thousands or even millions of people in public.