Saturday, July 29, 2006
Which Is More Contagious Hiv Or Hepatitis B
To take into account through the open Capsule:
1) the capsule as a reference not
2) Corresponds to the union of portions of manifestation of the Royal course, forming a new map where disseminate among the spaces;
3) the portions are defined holistically
4) the paramountcy as more direct, inevitable, mundane and basic and primary by itself be, but engages a machine from the outside;
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Gravely 2 Wheel Tractor
RNA of the capsule is a replica of the form. From here, go.
imagine a parallel reality to the supposed life where I am immersed in it at times, agreeing to the maelstrom strides of all things. In multiple realities exist as such and what I need is that awareness of that, that awareness of the splendor of all things. The fixed reality, which is supposed to a party, or at least begins to scratch the shell, do not go to the possibilities of my imaginings about parallelism. That, supposedly, is a consensus standard. Now, at this time, bankruptcy, no doubt. Commented loudly my existence within multiple lines (realities) that circulate throughout the life force known as 'I', at the same circulating about the life force known as one whole (and nothing) that generates and is generated. I supposed that considers the grout lines of a mere perception, experience and apparent. Many things more and much less others. This illusion of self that is considered and considers itself the lines while I remember the dream of oaks salons and spontaneous appearances, each time downloading your effluvium gray on my mind, closing at times the pace and keeping it all fixed. In this moment where I reveal the capsule itself is that second where everything is broken and re-consider.
had already played the game the way and essentially the same, say. The essence is mutated and remains as a constant atrocious change would mean breaking with what is chaining. And breaking with these words would mean breaking with this that try to define or through my defined. the RNA of the capsule is a complex system based on the belief that it was printed on my circuits for certain neuronal functions of generalization (here insert field-ready).
relative truths, lies on, space related, proposals, momentums.
And there the pit.
rid of everything.
task is how I leave the chain?
pursued consistently and speed
subtlety subtlety
live in parallel lines that cross. Observe the provision, he said someone once.
Pinnacle Media Center Patch 4.7
I have a very light sleep, and one night I noticed someone walking quietly through the garden of the house.
I got up and stood silently along the slight noises coming from outside, until you see a silhouette through the bathroom window.
As my house is very secure, with bars on the windows internal crossbars at the gates, I did not worry too much, but it was clear he was not going to let the thief there, watching quietly.
I called the police and reported the situation and gave my address.
asked me if the thief was armed, that size was the weapon; if it was just so. or if it was inside the house.
no and I explained the characteristics of the weapon he knew nothing,
I was told that there was no patrol car nearby to help, but that they would send someone when possible.
What if something happened to call back!
A minute later I called again and said in a calm voice:
- Hello, I called a while ago because there was someone in my garden. No need to hurry. I already killed the guy with a 12 gauge shotgun, which I have saved for such situations. And the shot hit him in the head. ! He flew with the bullet head!, And now his brains are scattered in the garden ...
After three minutes, was in my lane 5 police cars, GOE officials, the Navy, a police helicopter, 1 unit of Fire, the ombudsmen, 2 Civil Defense Patrols, 3 Metropolitan Police, a team of reporters from TC Television with Jonathan Carrera front, 1 Extra photographers, 1 Public Prosecutor's Office, 1 Member, 2 Councillors and a group of human rights, not lose it for anything.
They grabbed the thief red-handed, who was watching everything with a face of astonishment. Maybe he thought it was the home of Chief of Police. In
Amid the tumult, an officer approached me and said:
- I thought you said it had killed the thief.
I replied:
- I thought I had said no one was available. Taking advantage
Thursday, July 13, 2006
How To Ad Bots In Dota
What that is proposed with broken transmissions, play in between the eyes, the leaves of the visceral moistened tobacco in spending within cups stuffed with a stench speaker discussed against reflected until dawn, and the transmission does not finish and freezes to look beyond its censorship, its primary ... everything is due within such paramountcy .. Now there is a fee of what someone f'E grouped as' well may be unknown to the direction ... What is happening in the main terminal? Today is a day of primordia as well as the past - a concretization of experience between sleep and wear, today is a tired, today is a movement and a signal that is active and reactive power passing from the moments and scenes and such imperfections something that is considered by itself an address on one condition that must be understood to be reclusive, that it must deviate to be progressively integrated by those cosmological marahudis Apparently, when you try to lock a door and break the containers to burst all links the sides of the stage, resolving coincidence to pass when they have touched the gate both being cornered by two separate abrupt fashion experience and its mechanism and its distribution
This issue is treated in toxic effluvia, look, when the apparent attempts to be torn apart by those who looked at first and get worked his engineering;
The connection is a moment without time pressure, but with threads that swarm compressions and several branches in this temporality.
And all the effluvium term itself disclosed to any outside is a manifestation of the same beat from that premise initiation in a bow-shooting
because everything is in that way the loss of that bond embodied in a carrier temporalized
And just like that
Sunday, July 9, 2006
Diy Rangefinder -ultrasonic
TAZ The idea comes at the beginning of a critique of the Revolution, in favor of the Insurrection. The first label to the second a failure, but for us uprising represents a far more interesting possibility, from the perspective of a psychology of liberation that revolutions "satisfied" of the bourgeoisie, communists, fascists. ..
The second TAZ generative force lies in the historical development of what I would call "closing the map". The last bit of Earth unclaimed by or another nation was engulfed in 1899. Ours is the first century without terra incognita, without a final frontier. Nationality is the highest principle of world government, or a piece of rock in the South Seas is a land of no one, not a remote valley, or even the moon or planets. It is the apotheosis of territorial gangsterism. Not one square inch of land is free from surveillance or taxes ... in theory.
The "map" is an abstract political system of coordinates, a giant carrot fraud reinforced by expert state conditions until the end to most of us the map becomes the territory, no longer the "Turtle Island", but the USA. And just because the map is an abstraction, can not cover the earth, precisely 1:1. In the context of fractal complexity of the current geography, the map can only cover dimensional coordinates. But vast stretches beyond the standard folded measured. The map is not accurate, can not be accurate.
Therefore, the revolution is closed, but open insurgency. In our time we can only concentrate our strength in "insurgent powers", thereby avoiding any entrapment in any "permanent solution".
And the map is closed, but the autonomous zone is open. Metaphorically, lies folded on the fractal dimensions invisible to the cartography of Control. And this is where we introduce the concept of psychotopology (and psycho-topography) as an alternative science, surveillance and mapping of the state and "psychic imperialism". Only one can psicotopografía 1:1 scale mapping of reality, because only the human mind has enough complexity to reproduce reality. 1:1 And a map can not control its territory, for the simple reason that it is virtually identical him. It can only be used to suggest certain actions. We are looking into it "spaces";-geographical, social, cultural, imaginary, strong potential to flourish as "autonomous zones"-and seek times in which these spaces are relatively open, either because they lack the state either because they have passed unnoticed by the cartographers, or whatever reason. The psychotopology is the art of prospecting new potential TAZs.
(Hakim Bey / Temporary Autonomous Zone)
Thursday, July 6, 2006
Nappies For Wriggly Babies
the beast is a correlation with chaining dispersion and love the chain itself as a source of reality and generation of the same. I begin to consider feel that this beast is a atizbo to correspond to intensities of different sides over what known as 'time', and demonstrated the operation predicted residual mechanism. anyway there was always a presence out there to break up or be relied on to taste the term. do not propose to try to destroy such a building with bazookas or messengers astral pests unknowns, but rather propose the integration of the beast through the careful analysis of their code-mother and contextuality of time-begotten.
a huge gap between the description of what you have in mind and that by itself is goes through a filter in that mechanism.
already expressing some or expression is to assume re-watch the original information, not whether to call info variable or leave it to a level of 'emanation' / or the emanation is the output. we agree: from where, as the travel and information by itself, temporary attribute context enlace1-in-1 (context-first)
There is a gap between what we think and what you think for yourself . comprobalo: with eyes closed or away from the visceral signaling (away from the connection with something else), when the only thing that awaits is self behind, provides, in this way, the world built inside - reveals only the connection between the inside - and outside in various ways --- both agree to be a single point, one contextual level.
when silence over the scene progresses can be denoted that anyone outside regulated as one direct-construct in primary (enlace1).
This great chasm as that caused by the reflection itself, in need of an external validation of the abyss-internal-living raises to light
contexto1: Internal
context2: apparently 'from outside'
The orders context2 scenes around a temporary consensus of the thing itself as a replica (so)
veil that has been building itself is the necessary provision to break such
(as if the cure was innate to the problematic)
contemplation of both worlds is defined as the generation of a vision through a link-perceptive, inspired our terminals pure environmental signals and transform based on a Center-direct emanations of things-for-themselves apparently.
but I think that those pure environmental signals are not so - but rather a grayish liquid that is transported from here to there and creates the feeling of 'reality' that things emanate or contexts-become-in (actually )
how often we're playing then?
that center is the hub of the malleability: What we perceive as habituation to the same impulses --- greyish such that liquid effluence is painful, slow, direct presentation and thick
The medium itself as one fluid interface shape and generate new-vision, in step, clear , how to think about a new grand vision (useful), functional and operational? resembles the generation of a universe of overnight (feasible?) (under what terms?)
and this manifests itself that here are terms, words, making up facts, correspondence relating to so focus on several constructs trying to break with the axis provided by the paramountcy ... infecting with the term to the term to the term ---
(No 'is' but everything is somehow manifest in this continuum apparent)
break, how? through correspondence
contexts or contexts-imaginary-parallel potential to cause recognized as real in the Central, the same effect
a possibility, direct (and given something perceived and real) .. Therefore
any territory of the imagination, with its hint of willingness to fund suitable, you can create an experience that is considered 'real' in the same margin that the consensus reality of day to day
Does this resemble cosmic delusion?
Imagine, Check it, try to create a space .... but inside .. and feed .. make it vibrate .. 'Magnetize' is a word that a brother used to relate these experiences assisted enhancement ... This assignment of the action.
allocation of the veracity of the scene: a future consideration, to take into account who knows ...
Then, we generate our own universe! Once considered
and said, outsource at Macrocosm!
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Custom Barbie Gallery
rumor alien = break the allocation of machinery, primary
as the primary or that machine, or so also 'the infinite structure' that would nauseate
gallop so many grayish glow and consensus of objectification, temporary or beyond of this,
assigning fixed roles to moment dynamic structures, rather, transforming energetic outpourings
various secondary structures, the beast is hungry!, such stock is needed to shed the paramountcy
so good, all functional acts ...
the Operationalism tends to break with a stench that anomalous, a rumor Particular .. Living in a 'something weird going on here ...' and denote the visceral all-present, fences, thought, some smoke invade another's presence and starts playing behind everyone else - reflectors, motion, magnetism, presence-animal and some nectar soaked in the pale reflection , looking for that Something More,
the room was flooded viscous greyish resulted in yellow and green opaque naranaja try to attend to the rhythm of things, but considering itself as its own pace;
and define such Operationalism ..
the assignment is provided from a central core, from a macro perspective is clear: certain invisible lines varied entreconectan golden areas 'appearance' have contacted every form, color, type - manifest, while in a more hidden or reticulo more penetrating, resembling the code in the first initial of the Mother (machine-de-allocated) and its dome-parent. (To consider)
such an overall architecture so apparently segmented dome but at the same linked by a 'primary'
Dunk Tank How To Play Outdoor Game
say slightly: Question Week
[no need for such a thing as an answer]
Sore Breasts And Thick Cervical Mucus
morning rises with both Pete Namlook and IntensificadorPaulatino their prickly pears for cooking,
in an absurd level of concreteness of things, hoping the guts or the nature of shocks and absurd things for themselves. on some level.
always talking about getting a new sensibility, this would be a way to receive and issue statement beyond the assigned address of the machine, say, almost acting at the level of consistency, open to sensation. This involves opening other routes, too. that is why it is braked at times. and dreaming of benzos ...
know-is the time to reach the gate of the facility.
installation as a sort of central dome of the relationships and resources. From the outside you can see.
But who fool with visions of diamonds outline glow aquatic and speakers?
seeing "the plant from outside? At any point was that swarm abandoned?
can only babble and reach new metaphors that connect to the Presence, but ...
same is apparent with its own two sides: in the first instance a peaceful vision and direct than it seems you want to communicate, on the other hand mixed and intertwined vision to 'read half and a quarter of the line', searching and researching their way out.
psychic hygiene "as a transmitter?
Monday, July 3, 2006
Dickies Backpack Sale Blogshop
mode "pamphlet?
not counting the remaining hours of this to next return.
or Synthesizing ...
rumor "alien = stench anomalous?
is a day of questions ... feeling more in the flesh, in the first place: how much to exercise for that feel? say, visceral ... and everything else .. How much it worth? How much for such a building? the thing in the background is not as much as the thing-ahead, which is presented .. so I think it is fair and healthy game
fair and healthy to a point minimum - all of these games are still mere games, as the game of life itself, and sequential regulations that must be seized.
more than running to the counter is throw it to the integration of paramount we were anchored, detained or devalued.
factory is consistency, is the censor, the image is the direct psyche as it appears on its depth, is deepening, is the dispersion, the gear, the broadcast, the signal .. is all and nothing less than everything and anything together, united, bound together by the warm affection of fundamental effluvium ..
At least I believe, say, how to approach I have towards the factory.
quee but who knows!?
questions remains day .. not solidified a lot of answers., I seem to know a temporary ... you know need to maintain a consistent dialogue, putting it ...
the devil!
but the timing infects blogs .. scattered threads of drool ..
is it appropriate?
pays "?
do you have rhythm?
these questions do not leave me, leave from the other, which now takes over this (this).