traveling inward Who is fooled by the term turned?
term term term term.
now generates an abrupt:
sleep is blue. wakes. to open the eyes is a great passage, a great distance. Will it be the infinite distance of the Hoopla? "To shut down and transported to all parts?
locations to join a timeless immensity of things behind / below, frozen in a single image that travels through that known as memory, straightforward process.
cold hands
impending desneuralización get worked! That
hand is opened, lo there the forecast revealed.
prognosis is the idea of random text, so as to fall, part of snc connected to broader forces - is a bit of everything in these words. A little scattered trying to get away from all the same margin and the margin looking down, turning and tasting a touch of sweetness scenic
sometimes a bit of direct images and learn coping visions, direct
'something I had muuch snow'
stump was nonstop in different seasons. this would be a station. beyond all the terms, collectively, meaningless and correlation, it is not so, little person. it is assumed in the background.
where is what we want to see?
need to do lists, if making lists .. prepare. Always one
announced that this coming, and who knows who you are, confusing reporting.
but not the other party, or that other. like a swarm of workers.
and prone, out there, trying to reach the Central .. are you like 15 days .. 14 SHALL BE ..
Central Can you imagine, say, a large steel base with caramel, penetrated one of its sides, by a direct organic drill, which treats those portions / layer / confluence thinking of hardness and contrast?
can you imagine what might happen if prone is right?
I think that first, the space would be free .. no one would enter and would come out, but all assessed positions.
Come on, think: from the perspective of the manager, no one else in the plant, still .. do not foresee anyone, and is locked in the fucking room simulating body levers living. halos have been rotten ..
later? Who would the 'first step'? or so, it is considered? existiria first step?
is a viral plague that stalks the plant, which is charged not understand or that is going to charge .. What if prone is alone, out there? How would represent?
"consistently? Procreate "direct force necessary, sufficient awareness to avoid being influenced by rapid tumult of negativity?
Sometimes bad times are needed, at times good times too, and everything in the cyclic, conforms and fuses ..
sometimes wrong or right is very small, for such tasks ..
manager fell asleep on the floor, back awake. What happens now? when I open my eyes ..
and if I could find out the latest releases of the lodges outside ..
I will appoint, finally, outline some knowledge of a lodge that dwells inside the plant .. beings tend to be dull and prefer telepathic mambo: nervous system connection to the nervous system. These cuasiadorables are responsible for maintaining a prescribed order based on the program-mother .. there is a room directly in the central, home computer that organic, that 'fluid mass' from which all part .. on par with failing to maintain his own conscience, each internalization is linked, in any way, to that machine .. like a code registro temporal, una identificación de pertenecer al organismo
Al llegar el momento de varias fases--cayendo en la oniria, se ejecuta un programa de identificación: Todos los habitantes o inhabitantes de la central, son chequeados para confirmar su verdadera conexión con el Nucleo de todas las cosas.. quienes se cataloguen como 'agentes externos', seran levemente recluidos en porciones especiales y desintegrados hacia la nueva mañana...